Example sentences of "the problem here [is] that " in BNC.

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1 The problem here is that having so easy access and the largest concentration of easy routes , it is very crowded at holiday time .
2 The problem here is that in West Germany we have an increasingly split labour market , ’ Mr Brauninger explained .
3 The problem here is that neither of Pakistan 's options — coal or nuclear — are particularly attractive .
4 The problem here is that while purse nets will account for all the rabbits leaving the netted holes — or those attempting to return via those holes — some rabbits will undoubtedly return to the warren via the unnetted holes .
5 Part of the problem here is that , whereas in the old days Fender , Gibson , Gretsch , Guild and Rickenbacker ( and of course Höfner , Burns and Framus etc. ) used their own distinctive hardware , every other modern guitar has a black Floyd , the same black locking nut , black Gotoh machines and black , open-topped ‘ SeyMarzio ’ pickups .
6 The problem here is that at the shoulders ‘ A ’ will be seamed to ‘ B ’ creating an interruption of the pattern at the shoulder .
7 The problem here is that , since one needs to be in place long before sunrise , in order to prepare for the shot , one can not walk directly to the site .
8 The problem here is that , for good compositional reasons , one needs to keep in a section of the curve of the walkway to the right .
9 The problem here is that as a $4,300 box it 's fitted with only 207Mb external disk and 16Mb internal memory , barely enough to handle the Solaris 2.1 operating system that eats up 200Mb of disk space and prefers 24Mb minimum .
10 The problem here is that the transhistorical account of the Oedipal crisis and the consequent focusing on the eternal problems of the shaping of sex and gender already presupposes the existence of basic drives which are outside culture .
11 The problem here is that none of the gas , water , or electric supply lines must cross over each other .
12 The problem here is that unless some attempt is made by sociolinguists to ‘ unpack ’ the pertinent variables for which social class stands proxy , progress in formulating a satisfying explanation of the relationships between linguistic and social structure is likely to be slow .
13 The problem here is that , quite apart from the possibility that collusion might be concealed , the observation that firms communicated and appeared to reach agreement need not imply that the collusive outcome was actually achieved ( as in the above bidding example ) , while if collusion is tacit there will be no evidence of communication and negotiation .
14 The problem here is that , since one needs to be in place long before sunrise , in order to prepare for the shot , one can not walk directly to the site .
15 The problem here is that , for good compositional reasons , one needs to keep in a section of the curve into the picture , however subtle this may be , one is faced with the problem of people .
16 I think the problem here is that others , obviously banks and other industries , will be using computers and there will be a tendency then for people , when things go wrong or when they do n't understand , to become further removed from the technology .
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