Example sentences of "the ground [conj] it is " in BNC.

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1 We can best examine their character as two competing principles of neutrality in the context of objections to political neutrality on the ground that it is impossible or even incoherent .
2 It is not enough , he argued , to defend the study of the arts in school or university on the ground that it is a vaguely civilizing luxury , agreeable for some people to have ( like , he suggests , a leather blotter from Harrods ) .
3 A defence is provided in section 4(1) of the Act for cases in which ‘ it is proved that publication … is justified as being for the public good on the ground that it is in the interests of science , literature , art or learning , or other objects of general concern ’ .
4 The major limitation relevant here is that Parliamentary ( or ‘ primary ’ ) legislation ( that is , ‘ statutes ’ ) can not , because of the doctrine of Parliamentary supremacy , be challenged in a court of law except on the ground that it is inconsistent the European Community law .
5 I would propose that any such amendment should be resisted on the ground that it is inappropriate that such a far-reaching change in the law should be included in a Criminal Justice Bill , and that , if any such change in the law were to be effected , it should be after full consideration in a separate Bill dealing solely with this subject .
6 Retributivism justifies punishment on the ground that it is deserved by the offender ; reductivism justifies punishment on the ground that it helps to reduce the incidence of crime .
7 He submitted that , if a national court is considering whether to grant an interlocutory injunction in a case such as the present , where the validity of the law sought to be enforced is challenged by the defendant on the ground that it is inconsistent with Community law , the question whether the court should require an undertaking in damages from the plaintiff as a condition of the grant of an injunction is to be decided on the principles applicable to that question under the national law , being a question of procedure which , on established principles of Community law , is left to the national law .
8 In our judgment the plaintiffs are entitled , if so advised , to object to the remuneration on the ground that it is , to use the judge 's words , ‘ plainly excessive ’ or , as we think is the same criterion , unreasonably high .
9 The provision in section 44(4) has been criticized on the ground that it is wrong in principle that a person should be found guilty of an offence which the jury find that he did not commit .
10 This being so , is it possible to challenge an Act on the ground that it is unconstitutional ?
11 Particular public expenditure can always be criticized on the ground that it is excessive or wrongly directed , whether on defence or education or the building of motorways or any other public service .
12 Public transport is pretty thin on the ground so it is advisable to have your own .
13 Arboreal rodents , primates , and many other mammals take to the trees as an escape route and the majority of them rarely risk a descent to the ground unless it is vitally necessary .
14 It is much easier to advocate such a policy ( i.e. to avoid making hasty decisions ) on the ground than it is to execute it in the air when presented with an unusual emergency .
15 It made the ground and it is still making the sky .
16 It is vital for every pilot to learn to steer on the ground because it is a completely different technique to turning in the air .
17 BSC refuses to give unions a cost comparison with the other plants on the grounds that it is ‘ commercially confidential ’ .
18 However , the navy and many MPs are likely to oppose Mr Kaifu 's plan , currently the government 's official position , when next year 's budget comes before parliament on the grounds that it is too expensive .
19 10–17 Jesus violates the taboo against healing on the sabbath by healing a woman who has been bent over for many years , justifying this on the grounds that it is even more urgent to help a fellow human being , a woman , than to rescue an animal that has fallen into a ditch ( an exception allowed under the law ) .
20 Pro-abortion groups also oppose the protocol on the grounds that it is too restrictive .
21 OUTRAGED AND CONCERNED PARENTS hope to ban Margaret Atwood 's novel , ‘ The Handmaid 's Tale ’ , on the grounds that it is too sexually explicit and anti-Christian to be read by high school seniors .
22 Such ‘ relevance ’ as this must be rejected , then , on the grounds that it is unjust .
23 It may be rejected also on the grounds that it is patronizing .
24 Although some feminists rejected psychoanalytical theory on the grounds that it is inherently woman-unfriendly , many feminist film theorists after Mulvey saw Lacan 's work on the psychic formation of gendered identity in relation to specularity ( gazing in the mirror ) , the unconscious and language as central to their concerns .
25 There are now two active groups of doctors and a group for nurses which were set up specifically to oppose the use of animals in medical research on the grounds that it is unscientific .
26 People often object to practising behaviours that they do not usually use on the grounds that it is n't natural .
27 Everyone of my age has suffered from the character who insists on having bedroom windows open , for instance , on the grounds that it is a healthy dodge and worthy of all men to be received .
28 What stopped me in my tracks was a sentence reading , ‘ The dung beetle program really can not be justified on the grounds that it is cheaper than a horse ’ .
29 For this reason , it would not be appropriate to discourage technological progress on the grounds that it is likely to increase structural unemployment .
30 The Vice Squad have taken their cue and there have been reports of seizures of safer-sex literature on the grounds that it is obscene : e.g. ‘ Vice Squad rejects ‘ crude ’ AIDS leaflet' ( The Guardian .
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