Example sentences of "the community [noun sg] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This theme of giving back control over civic affairs to local people and moving away from the grip of town halls and utility or service administrations was one investigated in the community development projects of the 1970s .
2 Examples include the Community Development Programmes of the 1970s , when sociologists were involved in devising programmes , introducing them , and evaluating their outcomes .
3 This also implies , as recognized by the community development activists of the 1970s and their inheritors the ‘ local socialists ’ , that poverty is a political condition as much if not more than a social or economic one .
4 In both cases we were very impressed by the quality of the members of the management committee whom we met , and in particular by their obvious commitment to the community development aspects of the venture .
5 The separation of assessment from provision which I have criticized elsewhere ( Huxley , 1992 ) is seen by many people involved in the community care reforms as the way to achieve the movement from a service-led to a needs-led approach .
6 There is a danger of overestimating the impact of the community care reforms on the everyday lives of people with a diagnosis of mental illness .
7 Within a longer time frame it may also become more apparent what is likely to be the impact of the Community Care Reforms on the more general features of social work itself .
8 Though other practices may interpret and implement the community care reforms in different ways , I hope that some of the lessons we have learnt will be useful .
9 The community care reforms in the United Kingdom have been advanced as a genuine attempt to revise existing patterns of service and produce more effective care for those in need .
10 For example , the 1959 Mental Health Act indicated the need for much greater expansion of the community care services for the mentally ill and mentally handicapped .
11 We also analysed the mental health component of the community care plans for 1992/93 of a one-in-two sample of local authorities ( 20 shires , 18 metropolitan districts and 15 London boroughs ) .
12 How care management and care programming are integrated remains to be seen , and it seemed reasonable to look to the community care plans for local authority policies on the question .
13 Major 's administration may be remembered for bringing the community care changes into being , but this is another Thatcher legacy now being implemented in financial crisis .
14 The implementation of the community care changes throughout the United Kingdom from 1 April will mark the culmination of a series of major health and social care reforms .
15 ( The community care aspects of the NHS and Community Care Act 1990 are only being fully implemented from April 1993 . )
16 THE South West Durham Health Authority Consumer Services Liaison Group was formed to consider , evaluate and make recommendations on the nature and delivery of customer services provided by the Community Health Services in South West Durham .
17 I actually do n't think I actually do n't think that the Community Charge payers of should pay for Councillor to go and watch a circus in Denmark .
18 Merseytravel chief executive Roy Swainson said after the meeting : ‘ We have to balance our commitment to the future of the Mersey Ferries with our responsibility to the community charge payers of Merseyside who support the service .
19 How the community charge works Registration If your circumstances change Paying the community charge Penalties for non-registration and non-payment
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