Example sentences of "the [num] million [noun] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The 760 million meals served by contract caterers in 1992 was the highest ever and an increase of 17 per cent over the previous year , the survey says .
2 Coal , however , between 1779 and 1784 absorbed around 40 per cent of total carrying capacity , the 1.5 million tons carried on coasting vessels in 1779 having trebled by 1814 .
3 In fact , stage dates have already been estimated for the Cretaceous , with the startling conclusion that of the 67 million years attributed to the twelve stages of the system , nearly 20 million are given to a single stage-the Cenomanian .
4 She emphasised that only a small proportion of the 30 million eggs eaten daily in the UK would be affected .
5 Of the 6.6 million tonnes shipped from West Germany and West Berlin in 1989 some 700,000 tonnes were poisonous .
6 By the Statute of 1861 the 22 million serfs owned by private landlords were set free from personal bondage .
7 It is estimated that the three million trees required for the new forest — mainly broadleaved tree species interspersed with conifers — will take 30-40 years to plant and cost £3 million .
8 BR are hoping the eighty million pounds spent on new Turbo trains will bring and end to the complaints .
9 In fact , the 16 million babies born each year in the rich world will have four times as great an impact on the world 's resources as the 109 million born in the poor world .
10 The five million crimes recorded in Britain last year suggest serious social disorder , but they scarcely figured in the election .
11 The one million Armenians slaughtered by the Turks in 1915 were shot or knifed to death , the women often raped before being murdered .
12 This trend will continue , with women taking most of the one million jobs projected for the 1990s .
13 The truth was that the two women between them had raised the nine million dollars needed to make The Dawn of Dreams , and they had done it with such consummate feminine grace that the handsome , silver-haired head of the family did not quite understand that his title of producer was merely honorary .
14 The document published yesterday shows that out of the 5.46 million offences reported in the 12 months until June 1992 , 1.29 million were burglaries , 931,000 thefts from vehicles and 572,000 thefts of vehicles .
15 However , further pit closures are inevitable in the productivity battle , because the 65 million tonnes agreed for the last year of the contract is likely to shrink to fewer than 50 million , at best .
16 To hammer home the political point , a large number of the two million leaflets printed were sent to the headquarters of the various political parties and to the Assemblée nationale , the French parliament building .
17 The numbers of new British cars fitted with catalytic converters increased by over 1,000 per cent in 1990 , accounting for 5.4 per cent of the two million cars sold last year , according to figures released by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders .
18 With offal mounting up from the four million cattle slaughtered in Britain each year , the developing countries are an obvious target for the rendering companies in desperate need of new markets .
19 Its author , Roger Sedjo , argues that new temperate forests are absorbing at least 700 million tonnes a year , compared to the 1,000 million tonnes released annually as a result of tropical forest loss .
20 They were bound to attract wide attention , especially among the 1.14 million students enrolled in China 's 675 colleges in 1980 ( Nathan 1985 : 207 ) .
21 Data for the latter are , of course , affected by privatization itself , but it appears from government figures ( see Note ) that sale of corporations accounted for over 400,000 of the 1.14 million jobs lost from nationalized industries between 1978 and 1988 ( prior to the sale of water and electricity ) .
22 Its population is around the 3.3 million mark compared with some 56 million in the UK .
23 The order is for the good of the seven million patients treated each year — and their 21 million visitors — says the Health Department .
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