Example sentences of "the [noun sg] laughed and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The barman laughed and began to pull a couple of pints .
2 Wearing red overalls , the princess laughed and chatted to other drivers while she waited her turn .
3 The girl laughed and shook her head .
4 The senator laughed and patted the French boy on the arm .
5 The team laughed and nodded their approval , continuing with their meal as the rain dripped steadily into the mess-tins and the mugs of tea .
6 The green-grocer laughed and said , ’ You would be better with a box .
7 The secretary laughed and said he thought he could guess who that was .
8 ‘ Well , I hope they are , ’ the man laughed and took his pipe out of his mouth .
9 The boatman laughed and shook his head when we said we did n't know where we were going .
10 The Commander laughed and looked at Milton gratefully .
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