Example sentences of "the [noun sg] built [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The inequality built into the education system simply reinforces the position of black children .
2 Research summary : The study built on the tradition of ethnographic studies of the occupational culture and routine decisions and conduct of rank-and-file police officers , and extended the cumulative knowledge by exploring the case of the Royal Ulster Constabulary in Northern Ireland .
3 Inside the column built inside the tower
4 Just as the architecture built in the last thirty years in East and West Berlin reflects the different societies , so will what is to be built , play a part in determining the future of the united city .
5 Although there are no known examples in Britain , it is interesting to note the number of stones bearing the monogram built into the churches , suggesting that they could have been taken from the pagan monuments and re-used .
6 This morning you will visit the most important of the 39 tombs quarried out of the hillside built by the provincial princes of this district in 11th and 12th Dynasties .
7 The village can only be described as picturesque , the core built in the 13th century has narrow and sometimes steep and winding cobblestone alleys .
8 The proposal built on the visit of Russian Foreign Minister Andrei Kozyrev on March 19-22 [ see p. 38820 ] and on a three-day symposium on the issue between Japanese and Russian academics ( the 13th of its type ) which ended in Moscow on April 2 without consensus .
9 As Lindblom observes , a ‘ least-cost location for a new plant , for example , depends on the range of products that might be produced , the flexibility built into the plant , and the period over which costs and revenues are estimated ’ .
10 However , the flexibility built into the Structure Plan policies , as modified and approved by the Secretary of State , clearly enabled that land to be identified , allocated , granted consent , and developed prior to 1991 — to ensure that there need be no constraints on developers concerned to contribute to the supply but who had no access to the base land supply .
11 What is also impressive is the rest of the intelligence built into the machine .
12 He stared across at the wing built to the right of the chateau .
13 Finally , pneumatic drills have been sparingly employed to uncover the surface of the main road into the town built during the expansion of the city in the time of Domitian .
15 Reims is the richest and most glorious , as befits the cathedral built as the Coronation Church for the Kings of France .
16 One surviving example is the fountain built by the Athenian millionaire Herodes Atticus in the sanctuary at Olympia ( Greece ) ; another is the handsome gymnasium given by Publius Vedius Antoninus to the city of Ephesus , the provincial capital of Asia .
17 " The Meeting stented Ten pounds Sterl. for the Bridge built upon the water of Duich , " … and recommended that " the wood of the Bridge to be paid with Tar and top Covered first with wrought Clay over the Tar and then Graveld , and it is further recommended to Sell the Timber of the old Bridge
18 ‘ The main concern is to get the tunnel built with the French .
19 Historians can point to the philosophical views which underlay this ambition , and artists and sculptors were in various ways affected by the demonstration of its realisation in the theatre built for the composer at Bayreuth .
20 We are then told that he is sitting outside the church built to the dedication of Saint Francis ‘ Brother of the poor ’ .
21 In complete contrast is New Delhi , the capital built by the British , with elegant wide avenues , impressive government buildings and India Gate .
22 The outboard-facing chart table is particularly well thought out with a bench seat for the navigator built into the engine box .
23 Nothing except the altar built in the heart of the wood , next to the spring .
24 We think there was problem with the materials when it was built There are other bridges in the county built with the same system but engineers say they 're safe )
25 The housing built on the site is expensive terrace dwellings of pseudo-Georgian design , selling at £50 000 and over .
26 * French television has broadcast a film taken by a Russian reactor inspector showing radioactive leaks in the sarcophagus built over the remains of the damaged reactor .
27 The dualism is deemed disastrous because it prevents us from having a unified conception of the world built around the natural sciences , and because it leaves the relationship between the mental and the physical an insoluble mystery .
28 The possession of salmon has also caused considerable acrimony between the two nations in times past , and the most infamous incident was the fish garth the English built across the River Esk , traditional boundary of England and Scotland , some time before 1474 .
29 The steeply climbing road very soon affords views over Thun , dominated by the impressive , massive square keep with corner turrets of the castle built by the Zahringen Dukes from 1191 , with the Stockhorn mountain ( 2,190m , 7,183ft ) forming a backdrop across the wide valley .
30 Without such ideological precepts bound up in the ‘ representative figure ’ of the Führer , the dynamism built into the permanent mobilization of the Party and its affiliates is largely unthinkable .
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