Example sentences of "the [noun sg] he looked [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I saw the monster arrive from the marsh he looked at the when I saw him I ran
2 When he had finished the portrait he looked at it with an expression of satisfaction and said to Indenbaum : ‘ There — that is for you ’ .
3 When he did get up to go to the room he looked like someone who had lost the train of thought he had set out on and had emptied himself into blankness , aware only that he was still somehow present .
4 Some years afterwards walking down here after he 'd been his for his silver wedding , golden wedding and so on er , coming down that dri drift down from the back he looked at me he said I do n't know boy !
5 It was the Brigadier he looked at .
6 He was on his feet now , turning up his collar , pulling the tie around his neck the while he looked towards the house .
7 In the end he looked at me kindly , but could not stop himself laughing .
8 as the way he looked at me — that look
9 Of course being nervous he often drank a little too much , so that when he finally looked up at the end of the night it would be with something like desperation , a fear that no one was going to ask him to leave with them ; but the way he looked at you also meant that you knew he would never say no , if you did ask .
10 The way he looked at her sent shivers down her spine .
11 Benny did n't really believe Eve about Sean having ambitions to marry into the shop , but there was something deeply unsettled all right about the way he looked at her .
12 She stared him full in the eye , as if seeking the truth in the way he looked at her , rather than in the words he spoke .
13 Timothy , although a regular caller , had n't mentioned the alternative to Yelton again , but the way he looked at her from time to time made words unnecessary .
14 The way he looked at her now disturbed Beth deeply .
15 From the way he looked at her , she reckoned she 'd be lucky to last the morning without being molested .
16 There was something about the way he looked at her .
17 She still saw John occasionally but felt that he deliberately kept a barrier between them , although the way he looked at her belied his stilted conversation .
18 The way he looked at her made her feel that he was attracted to her , yet always he seemed to draw back .
19 She went on , ‘ Did you see the way he looked at me that time ?
20 But that boy was different ; there was something nasty about the way he looked at you .
21 She was n't going to do it again , and let him think that she could still be affected by anything he said , or by the way he looked at her .
22 Even the way he looked at them was enough to assure her that they were way down on the social scale .
23 And she obviously did n't like the way he looked at you . ’
24 Something in the way he looked at her , or , rather , did n't look at her , made Emmie embarrassed .
25 ‘ I know he had a rather possessive attitude towards her-I told you about that time he came into her class , did n't I ? — but from the way he looked at her , you 'd have thought she was the most perfect and precious thing on earth to him .
26 In spite of herself , at the way he looked at her , Shiona felt a flutter in the pit of her stomach .
27 He neatly propped a chair in front of the door and went back about his business , but awareness of him tingled all around Charity — awareness of the way he moved , with such effortless grace , of the way he looked with the wind ravaging his neat curls .
28 He had a number of scenes reshot because he did n't like the way he looked in the original scenes , and by the time he had finished hacking up the picture , it was a complete mess .
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