Example sentences of "the [noun sg] he gave [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The police assumed that the money he gave her was his bonus for the Madrid Open and the Italian Championship . ’
2 The money he gave them they had meant to use for the Greek trip but it was more than they expected and they had gone on a shopping , then a drinking , spree with it .
3 When the customer is satisfied that the change is correct , put the money he gave you into the till .
4 She said , " I gave Bert the money he gave you for your fine . "
5 From the look he gave her she thought that must n't happen often .
6 The look he gave her was angry and he stirred restlessly .
7 Let him pick the bones out of that , she thought with satisfaction , but the look he gave her was oddly enigmatic .
8 She saw the look he gave her .
9 The look he gave her made her feel extremely stupid — and disappointed .
10 The look he gave her decided her not to press him .
11 Nikos smiled and said something softly in Greek , and for some reason Lindsey found herself blushing at the sudden contact of Niall 's hand against her arm , but she could n't interpret the look he gave her as they were ushered towards one of the few empty tables overlooking the harbour .
12 I had offended him , and the look he gave me was positively frightening .
13 His face was without the offensively avuncular smile that usually accompanies such trite statements ; and something intent about the look he gave me made it clear he did not mean it tritely .
14 the look he gave me and jumped out as quick as anything , I thought
15 At the front of the building he gave me a nod and walked over to where a police sedan with a uniformed driver was waiting .
16 Look , here is the drawing he gave me : see how fine it is , how accurate , how personal …
17 She nibbled the toast he gave her unenthusiastically , but she had to admit it helped — her head was now using muffled drums .
18 At the hill beyond the village he gave them money .
19 If Professor Benson here were to make a very brief precis of the lecture he gave us in the wardroom this evening it might give them something more to think about . ’
20 The attention he gave you , when he gave you attention , was absolute .
21 It was not until about a year later , when I became the High Master of Warboys , that I took him into Warboys and made him a sort of Staff pilot flying Oxford aircraft on special navigational training exercises ; this was something that I could physically check and I do not know why it is , and I am not being clever now , I just accepted the evidence he gave me of this phoney flying .
22 He was 88 years old and the smile he gave me as we said goodbye made my day .
23 He looked white and tired , and the smile he gave her in greeting was strained .
24 I 'm sorry , ’ he repeated , and the smile he gave her was so gentle that the angry words she had been going to utter died , locked somewhere in her throat .
25 The smile he gave her was familiar , full of charm , and yet she was now able to see it for what it was ; totally false and lacking in warmth .
26 The knowledge he gave me .
27 From his expression I see he has no idea the jolt he gave me .
28 And the kiss he gave her , deep and demanding , but infinitely tender and loving , told her without words exactly what the deal would be …
29 He groped his way back towards her , and Cassie laughed again as she watched his stumbling progress around the bottom of the bed he gave it a wide berth , so perhaps the nineteen forties bed , which must occupy the same position as her own , was longer or wider than hers .
30 The address he gave me was of a nursing home in Kent .
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