Example sentences of "the [noun sg] be [vb pp] before " in BNC.

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1 I already had permission to search all the surrounding fields , so I waited until the field was harvested before I gave it a thorough going over with my detector .
2 His mistake may have been to assume the election was won before it was fought .
3 This pecking can last for up to two minutes , and often ends in the male being interrupted before he can get to copulation .
4 From next month , all toys must carry a European Safety Mark , unless shops can PROVE the toy was made before the law came in .
5 Tied up with poll tax , it was done before poll tax was erm it 's only just been announced because there 's been a lot of negotiations going on , but the figure was committed before poll tax came into being — right ?
6 ‘ Overwhelmingly , doing the singles , the review was written before I 'd heard the record .
7 , head of Thorntons ' commercial department , agreed : ‘ It 's not a matter of giving a ball-park figure and then saying nothing until the work is done before you reveal there were extra costs involved .
8 Much of the work was done before Monica moved in , while spending four months with relatives nearby .
9 Gentle began to follow , but the fall had left him aching in every joint , and he knew the chase was lost before he 'd hobbled three yards .
10 He tried to argue , but everyone in the room knew that the battle was lost before it had even begun .
11 As full a picture as possible of the family and the child is required before therapeutic hypotheses can be made .
12 The conference was wrecked before it started by the " U2 " incident .
13 Volunteers are naturally eager to know how well the event has done so it 's best that the cash is totalled before they leave then either banked straight away or placed in the safe keeping of the headteacher or the deputy until the bank opens on the following day .
14 There has been speculation that the body was booby-trapped before it left Awiel , and may have been timed to explode in mid-air .
15 It looks as though the body was moved before it was buried .
16 He could insist the post was filled before he released her .
17 Bjortson 's instability had proved too extreme , so the group was informed before Servitors distributed their victuals .
18 The grain is sealed before a basecoat is applied ; solid colours or tints are put on next , then the guitar receives its top coats of clear polyurethane .
19 The tree was destroyed before it could bear fruit ! ’ shouted Surere , gripping the edge of the table and half rising from his seat .
20 When sites such as this are to be destroyed , it is important that the building above the ground is recorded before it is destroyed .
21 In the early stages of careers mobility is higher in Japan because part of the workforce is discharged before they reach the higher paid section of the profile to be replaced by younger and cheaper labour .
22 This is mostly conjecture ; and our opinion that the instrumental bass line of the duet was polished before publication can be dismissed as subjective .
23 Surviving copies are very faint , distinctly telephonic in quality , and start with an appalling wow because the cutter was engaged before the wax was up to speed ; but an account in the Illustrated London News ( 13 ) shows the disposition of the microphones and the apparatus , which amount to a full recording system in the modern sense .
24 The music was written before the Conventional Rules were imposed on musicians .
25 To this declaration , it was demurred that the consideration was executed before the promise was made … … .
26 Antony rose , but they heard the door being opened before he left the room .
27 Twelve channels of the reactor were refuelled before the outage began and then the fuel route was taken out of service immediately .
28 He had the good grace to apologise afterwards and I also expressed my gratitude that I did not have to wait an hour or so until the training was finished before I could obtain his team and get busy .
29 The say it 's vital the rapist is caught before he strikes again .
30 But now that she HAS come forward , detectives say it 's important that the rapist is caught before he strikes again .
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