Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [coord] it 's " in BNC.

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1 Well , when it , when it is irrational it is operating either under the influence of the id or it 's overwhelmed by some external circumstances that it just ca n't understand the controls , therefore making all the wrong decisions and acting in a completely inadequate manner .
2 There 's this big depot ship in the loch and it 's got a flotilla of submarines …
3 I ca n't , I just wan na sort of look out the window and it 's changed completely !
4 Oh I just wanted to ask you how to work the machine but it 's done now .
5 a certain part of I beg your pardon sorry I 'm getting my definitions wrong may be looking after something which the erm corporate locations are solely within the south but it 's handled by an corporate account .
6 Erm I 've got an information pack here which I 'll hand out at the end of the session and it 's got sort of four fairly erm useful leaflets in it .
7 Her hair 's tied up the back and it 's got on .
8 Well I put it on the stuff and it 's blown , I 'll keep it because that 's what I 've just used .
9 Alwen might have known , for when the club decided to build the original Valley in 1919 they began with 2s 3d in the kitty and it 's been a financial slog ever since .
10 Could I just say colleagues that the the General Secretary is proposing that we 're having , we , we , we 're gon na , we gon na have the bucket collection as has been referred to during the course of the debate and it 's recommended that whatever is in the buckets that the union actually doubles the collection .
11 There 's a woman in the be and there 's a man underneath the bed and it 's got underneath it , Frank , ca n't you forget you are a mechanic for once ?
12 No I said four four from the letter and it 's been left at that .
13 They 've just reached the half way stage of the project but it 's taken them five years to get this far .
14 I mean , it 's partly I suppose because I do n't watch a lot of football , but women 's football is not generally , it 's occasionally you get an article in the press and it 's seen as a kind of freakish thing !
15 ‘ Moles ’ was a phrase we very often used about the Treasury and it 's been used many times since .
16 I thought there used to be a set of traffic lights in the middle and it 's gone .
17 Chettle wins back the header but it 's gone straight to Whitlow Thomson takes over and why not the way he 's played .
18 And we got it back into the family and it 's been with us ever since .
19 But I mean the style of it is obviously jacketed person , blousey , cos it 's collar and she 's got three buttons at the front and it 's fitted as a jacket as opposed to a tuck in a blouse .
20 It was very controversial at the time and it 's remained so ever since , and indeed in both Britain and America there are political movements right now to change minimum wage laws in , in ways that I think Florence Kelly would deeply have disapproved of .
21 Now this means that this part of the globe the bit nearest to the moon will have more than it 's fair share of gravity because it 's got the gravity of the earth and it 's got the gravity of the moon pulling all the sea which will cause the erm sea to bulge up in this region .
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