Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [prep] trade [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Any discussion of the possible impact of new technology must take account of the response from trade unions and others representing occupational groups .
2 The situation is the same in the majority of trade unions .
3 We will reverse the present Government 's encroachments on freedom of speech and association , such as the banning of trade unions at GCHQ .
4 The banning of trade unions at the Government Communications Headquarters ( GCHQ ) , the naming and blaming of civil servants in the Westland Affair , and the Rayner Scrutinies were all seen as undermining the morale of , civil servants .
5 The report added that human rights violations in northern Sudan had increased dramatically since the June 1989 coup which brought Bashir to power [ see p. 36728 ] , with purges in the judiciary , civil service and Army , the banning of trade unions , and the torture of hundreds of political detainees .
6 It requires the abolition of trade union immunities , the ending of legal protection for the ‘ closed shop ’ , the introduction of legally enforceable collective agreements , the sequestration of trade union funds in cases in which secret ballots have not been held in support of strike action , and the provision by trade unions of greater information regarding their financial affairs .
7 However , the change in trade patterns induced by the creation of a CU could result in alterations to the competitive environment , and give rise to opportunities to reap economies of scale .
8 I 'm gon na start with the support for trade unions small item twenty six thousand pounds to the NALGO project , there 's a G M B budget but that 's all nearly all paid for out of direct services we do n't want to touch that .
9 In practice the employer must show two things : ( a ) the existence of trade connections which are to an extent " special " to him ; and ( b ) that the employee is or will be in a position to take advantage of those special trade connections .
10 The neo-classical economists argued that it would do so and , therefore , that all Keynes had done in effect was to add a single assumption to the neo-classical system : the assumption that wages and prices were inflexible downwards because of the existence of trade unions and other restrictive practices ( which , of course , was well known anyway ) .
11 The education lobby , in arguing for control of the service often alleged that the Board of Trade exchanges sent young people to any kind of job in order to show a high ratio of filled vacancies .
12 The winter of 1978–9 was the winter of discontent , the discontent of trade unions generally with the guidance contained in the White Paper , published in July 1978 , on pay policy .
13 However , the reason that the contemporary attacks are different is that the shackling of trade unions was an integral part in Margaret Thatcher 's economic package and if the only reason for this legislation was because it was part of a failed economic strategy then that in itself should be enough , but the real effect of anti-trade union legislation should be examined in the context of a wider social and industrial parameter , and if we take just one Act , the Employment Act of nineteen eighty , we can get some idea of the effect of Tory employment legislation .
14 There seems to be an exception in the case of trade unions which can not sue for libel ( see above ) but can nevertheless be made defendants as a result of the abolition of their immunity in tort by s15 of the 1982 Employment Act .
15 In Sweden the reaction of employers to the rise of trade unions was also vital in determining the level at which collective bargaining would be conducted .
16 The House of Lords ' decision determined an important question of law concerning the liability of trade unions for the actions of their shop stewards .
17 We also propose to the TUC that they should consider the experience of trade unions in some other countries .
18 The removal of trade barriers will certainly mean increased traffic and at Larne-Stranraer we will be ready to take advantage of the opportunities . ’
19 There 's one short answer : 1992 will indeed see the removal of trade barriers between the 12 EC states and the seven in the European Trade Association ( EFTA ) , but nothing happens until 31 December .
20 What remains true , however , is that with the removal of trade barriers and the emergence of complete monetary union , the member nations of the EC will confront precisely the same issues that confronted regions within those nations prior to the union .
21 ‘ Depending on what set of figures you employ , it is possible to arrive at quite different estimates of the impact of the recession on trade unions ’ , writes Dr John Kelly , a labour economist ( reported in the Financial Times , 11 November 1987 ) .
23 Although the past few months have seen quite a number of problems for European unity , one area that remains firmly fixed is the demolition of trade barriers in 1993 .
24 ‘ This is partly because employers searching for cheap labour have imposed restrictions on the freedom of trade unions in the countries in which they have invested , ’ it says .
25 And with 1992 and the dismantling of trade barriers within Europe fast approaching , the spring East Midlands Tourism Business Survey also reveals a disturbing lack of interest in language training .
26 Apart from wielding the stick of trade sanctions — a worrying measure — the main option will be the carrot of cash transfers .
27 The consumption of oxygen or oxidizing agents by water arising from the presence of reducing substances , usually organic , is of value in the assessment of trade effluents and sewage but is not of great importance for process waters .
28 Hughes ( 1960 ) noted what he called ‘ a failure of initiative and imagination on the part of trade unions ’ concerning workers ' control in the nationalised industries generally , a ‘ failure ’ which was not really made good over the '60s .
29 Direct trade with Africa was comparatively small , although the export of trade goods and guns to secure slaves for the New World plantations expanded rapidly after 1780 .
30 I support the recommendation of five B but the vote by trade unions and Socialist societies should be a ballot of registered Labour supporters .
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