Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [pers pn] was talking " in BNC.

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1 ‘ That 's just the kind I was talking about , ’ said Garvey over his shoulder .
2 There is a sense in which after much complex art , much elaborate art , much sermonizing art of the sort I was talking about earlier , people sometimes get the urge to simplify things down and in a sense they say let's go back to the five finger exercise , let's see what a note on the piano sounds like instead of playing , you know , Chopin or Stravinsky all the time , let's remind ourselves what the actual note sounds like , or two notes together , or one note and then a gap and then another note , and you suddenly become aware of the richness , in a sense in these very simple elements .
3 But she undercuts this realization with footnotes which describe similarities , but no differences , in the articulation of gender in homosexual relationships ; and which parallel the unconscious splits generated by discourses of gender , with those generated by racist discourses : ‘ When I made generalisations about women ( almost always derogatory ) , I did not include myself in the group I was talking about … .
4 that the person he was talking with was not just a teacher , there was something else about him !
5 All the while she was talking Kathleen was undressing the woman .
6 ‘ It was the dog I was talking to ! ’
7 ‘ Do you remember the man I was talking to in the club ?
8 The night after the broadcast I was talking with an African nationalist in the Harare township .
9 And anyway so we went to er over to Egypt and then it was when we came back and I I , the other morning on the radio they was talking about asking people to ring in about , I 've never rang in , I never bother ring , er how they spent their twenty first birthday .
10 Each time I got back to Rocamar Peter would say , ‘ Well ? ’ and I would shrug and pretend I did n't know what the hell he was talking about . ’
11 It was put in there to make us all wonder what the hell he was talking about .
12 ‘ The other thing , ’ Thomas said , ‘ the reason I was talking to George Roxborough — well , he called me .
13 this is the book he was talking about that 's been brought back if anyone wants it .
14 Though the latter was at this time a much celebrated amateur artist he was surprised , on arriving , when Minton detached himself from the crowd he was talking with in order to cross the room and greet Cornish by name .
15 I do n't know perhaps he does , I do n't actually know Ken , I thought the way he was talking though that this chap
16 And the way she was talking it looked like they were gon they were going to put some more and invest some time , money
17 Whenever I passed the Treasurer he was talking not of £s but of the difficulty of ‘ number 14 ’ .
18 And all the time I was talking I rolled my swabs back and forth over the frozen Thames .
19 At the time I was talking to the magistrate I had no doubt at all that the Duke of Marlborough would give evidence for me , if necessary .
20 Erm the reason I 'm asking is because I suspect it would have been greater at the time I was talking about all the ago though .
21 ‘ And what , might I ask , sir , was he doing at the time he was talking about the bell ? ’
22 So the researcher went to Birmingham to meet him and all the time he was talking to the patients , she was thinking , ‘ We 've got to go ! ’
23 He figured all the time he was talking he 'd be keeping me from smashing up his hand with the gun-butt .
24 For most of the time he was talking , Merymose 's expression remained set .
25 Erm you know , and these achievements , he 's not saying that you know re rev revolution 's the way forward , he 's actually saying look what 's happened before under the system that existed er previously , er well it actually existed , you know , at the time he was talking about , there does seem to be an effort by the peasants erm you know to , to improve their lot and therefore wha while he cites revolution in a way you , you can argue it is a bit strange because they seem to be , according to him , have improved their lot under the system that was there in the first place , erm
26 All the time she was talking her thin hands stroked the silk of her dress .
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