Example sentences of "the [adj] [vb mod] [not/n't] afford " in BNC.

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1 The buildings were subsidized by charitable donations but required rent-income for their upkeep , and the problem remained that the poorest could not afford the rent necessary for adequate housing .
2 They were rarely situated in poorer districts , required a membership fee of up to £1 , which the poorest could not afford , and did not allow ‘ tick ’ or sales bacon , etc. ) which the poor were forced by low or uncertain incomes to buy .
3 Wherever you go nowadays , be it swimming , the pictures , fitness centres , or pop concerts they all appreciate that the unemployed can not afford to pay the full charge .
4 The Spanish could pay for such things out of their gold and silver ; the English could not afford such things , and ran fairly frugal colonial administrations , whose pay was often in arrears whether it was supposed to be paid by the English government , the colonial taxpayers , or the company which had a charter to operate in the region .
5 Here in North Africa , as I 've told you before , it 's the richer classes who shut up their women — the poor ca n't afford to .
6 As the enclosure movement gained impetus towards the end of the eighteenth century , many of the poor could not afford the fences necessary to confirm their claim to the land , and therefore sold it to the wealthy ; those who could were often unable to raise a living on the poor land they acquired , and sold it too ; those who were squatters had no right to land at all and none to sell .
7 They were also charging fees due from ACE schemes which the latter could not afford .
8 Starving people in the sub-Sahara can not afford much quality , though it is fair to say that their problems are more political than strictly agricultural .
9 Cement buildings would bake their inhabitants alive or demand air conditioners which the Chinese could not afford .
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