Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun sg] of events " in BNC.

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1 In the normal run of events these would never come to my notice , but on this occasion I was going to make a plea of mitigation on his behalf and hoped that the Bench would release their prisoner into my care and he would be summarily dealt with in accordance with Air Force Law .
2 Not , he wrote ( and Goldberg went on typing ) , that here in London one is cut off from such supplies in the normal course of events , but that work can not begin until one knows one will not have to bother with such things , for a while at least .
3 There is also a formal element of crime detection , although in the normal course of events all they encounter is shoplifting and parking offences .
4 In the normal course of events they will only be seen en masse after the Trooping of the Colour and on Christmas morning at Windsor ; and the wisdom passed from experienced staff to newcomers is never to put them on stage together .
5 If you do not feel you want to do this it is a great pity but at least do not avoid having your photograph taken as part of the normal course of events ( at weddings , parties , social events ) .
6 Your copies of the books will follow in the normal course of events and should be with you soon .
7 Three Vee 's copies of the Activity Book will follow in the normal course of events and should be with you soon .
8 In the normal course of events this would have been ‘ tidied up ’ — wiped out as part of the scheme and conveniently buried .
9 In the normal course of events he would have died years ago .
10 It seemed to my amused eyes that the two chefs were in chilly unfriendliness , marking out their territories , each , in the normal course of events , being accustomed to being the boss .
11 In the normal course of events , one would expect those high standards to suffice for more than five years ; but these are not normal times .
12 This explanation is then offered to others with the intention of getting them to agree that circumstances conspired to prevent you from performing with the excellence and flair that you would , in the normal course of events , have displayed .
13 It is useful , therefore , to be able to adopt an attitude of temporary self-indulgence towards habits or feelings that , in the normal course of events , you may struggle with or be trying to change .
14 In the normal course of events , such agencies can be relied upon to pursue conscientiously the president 's programme .
15 The executive branch in Britain is firmly in charge of the budgetary process with the legislature , in the normal course of events , little more than a cypher .
16 In the normal course of events , she will be at your disposal for three hours in the morning between 9.30 and 12.30 .
17 In the normal course of events they would not have publicised their conclusion without further tests .
18 Which there would n't have been , in the normal course of events .
19 To summarise so far : a ) False sensations or sensory illusions may occur at any time in a pilot 's career and in fact commonly do occur in the normal course of events .
20 ‘ In the normal course of events these things take months .
21 ‘ In the normal course of events these things take time under French law , and they 're likely to take even longer in this case because he refuses to make any move whatever until you are actually there — in France . ’
22 In the normal course of events by no means all of these potential relationships will exist , but in an emergency , when the project manager may feel constrained to supervise all individual and joint activities , very large numbers are clearly possible if organizational steps have not been taken to provide effective control .
23 During the normal course of events people move , die , drop out of sight or get involved in other things , and such events are likely to affect the panel subjects .
24 In the normal course of events , the registration continues unless and until it is cancelled by the Society .
25 In the normal course of events , the exercise by the tenant of a break-clause will prevent him from applying to the court for the grant of a new tenancy ( Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 , s26(4) ; s69(1) defining " notice to quit " : s24(2) ) .
26 In the normal course of events , she decided , there was no way she would choose to eat with this man .
27 If a claim comes in in the normal sequence of events and our adjudicating officers are asked to adjudicate , that is one matter .
28 From the surviving documentation , annotations on meeting papers , careful notes made of verbal exchanges and copies of correspondence it is possible to reconstruct the broad sequence of events and the serial proposals and counter-proposals which marked a period of intensive and difficult negotiation with neither side being prepared to risk an open breach in relationships which would have been publicly damaging .
29 For anyone interested in history , 1989 was clearly a year to match 1789 or 1914 in the momentous import of events in Eastern Europe .
30 The exhibition is a joint venture between Historic Scotland and Edinburgh District Council , and was opened last November as part of the European Programme of events taking place throughout the UK presidency of the European Community .
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