Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun] [is] whether " in BNC.

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1 The heart of the economic matter is whether the government will insist on collecting more money than it spends , so that it can reduce the mountain of public debt that has piled up since 1980 ( see chart 1 ) .
2 The further question is whether the absence of any statement in the notice requiring compensation in money in respect of the breach is fatal to the validity of the notice … the statute requires notice to be given specifying the breach complained of , as the first thing , and , if the breach is capable of remedy , requiring the lessee to remedy it , and " in any case requiring the lessee to make compensation in money for the breach . "
3 The interesting question is whether the reform to regulations regarding fee structures in 1982 and , to a lesser extent , the greater freedom architects enjoyed from about this time to practice in a less restrictive manner have influenced the pattern of events .
4 In the light of these facts , the interesting question is whether there exists any relationship between the two triads — on the one hand the abolition of private property , religion and the family and on the other economic inefficiency , religious persecution and political terror .
5 The interesting question is whether , if we had had a lot of tremendous tycoons who were interested in the arts , the story would be a different one ; we just have n't bred those sort of people in the last twenty or thirty years .
6 The interesting question is whether business is more at risk from short-term fluctuations or long-term trends .
7 Given , however , that the jurisdiction exists as a matter of settled law , the remaining question is whether , and if so on what grounds , it can be invoked to authorise the treatment which W. is unwilling to undergo .
8 The remaining disagreement is whether zidovudine monotherapy should begin early to take advantage of this short-lived benefit or whether one should wait until symptoms develop .
9 The central issue is whether or not a Third World bourgeoisie can become hegemonic in its own realm and drive towards ‘ real ’ development ( as Becker asserts for Peru 's ‘ New Bourgeoisie ’ ) or whether the only realistic option for Third World bourgeoisies , under the present system of global capitalist hegemony , is to throw their lot in with the TNCs , as Evans argues for the triple alliance in Brazil .
10 The central question is whether animals possess important characteristics that are not adaptive , and which therefore , by definition , would not have been shaped by natural and sexual selection .
11 The second question is whether counsellees want to give up drinking , or at least to reduce the amount consumed .
12 The second question is whether this conclusion applies to all applications for judicial review .
13 If it has , the second question is whether the irregularity must lead to the committal order being set aside and the release of the contemnor .
14 If it does , the second question is whether certiorari can lie in respect of the decision of a visitor .
15 The second issue is whether , assuming he fails on non est factum , the defendant can repudiate the transfer as being ultra vires the power of attorney .
16 Of course , the intriguing question is whether our abstract schemes for programs and/or documents are true pointers to some powerful universal truth , or whether the sense of elegance and economy in a good approach is just a delusion .
17 The crucial factor is whether technology provides new jobs at a higher rate in new activities than it eliminates in older industry .
18 Oman ( 1984 , 1989 ) suggests that the crucial test is whether the arrangement involves some element of risk to the seller — and some prospect of a share in future income .
19 The crucial issue is whether this merely represents a transfer in wealth from the acquirer , or whether there is an increase in wealth overall .
20 The crucial question is whether the arbitrator 's is a typical authority , or whether the two features picked out above are peculiar to it and perhaps a few others , but are not characteristic of authorities in general .
21 The crucial question is whether it manages to liberate at least as much energy from fusions as was expended in running a particle accelerator to produce that muon in the first place .
22 While the Arts Council may survive as an advisory body , the crucial question is whether it retains a funding role : ‘ The days of the arm 's length principle are gone .
23 So the crucial question is whether , if the basic valuation is produced by an employee of a building society , any failure to exercise due care and skill can constitute maladministration .
24 The crucial question is whether it is appropriate for your Lordships to do so .
25 The real issue is whether or not our results have some general message .
26 Passing sentence , the judge told Lashley : ‘ You are an appalling and dangerous man , and the real issue is whether the authorities can allow you your liberty in your lifetime ’ .
27 This is a far more realistic maximum for cases involving forced oral sex and other indignities , but the real question is whether such serious forms of sexual assault should be classified differently .
28 The real question is whether , under the circumstances , it would be wrong to continue intervention .
29 The real question is whether any bits of the former Soviet Union 's industry are worth having ?
30 The real question is whether the changes — which affect the psychiatric provision of half the districts in the region — should be properly planned ; or whether the RHA is prepared , as an impassive bystander , merely to observe them .
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