Example sentences of "the [adj] period [prep] which " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , when the occasion demanded it ( as it did during the turbulent period in which he became Vice-Chancellor of Bristol University ) , he showed great courage and firmness — the latter always in the nicest possible way .
2 where the specific period for which the company was incorporated has expired ;
3 The longest period for which her mother was left alone was for three hours and Mrs Cahuac worked close by so that should anything happen to her mother during this period she could get home quickly .
4 The longest period for which an order book can be issued to an asylum seeker who makes a successful application for income support is 20 weeks .
5 Barr responded on Oct. 16 by announcing the appointment of retired federal judge Frederick B. Lacey , 72 , to make a preliminary investigation of the conduct of the Justice Department and report back — within the 30-day period within which Barr was legally obliged to make a formal reply to the request of the House — on whether a special prosecutor should be appointed .
6 Thus between 1900 and 1910 considerably more people migrated to the United States than during the entire period with which this book is concerned .
7 Manpower calculates that the average period for which a person works for it ( presumably the average of all spells of employment ) is four months , although it also points out that " many " temporary " workers have been continuously employed by Manpower for several years and three and five year service awards for temporaries are a frequent occurrence " ( Manpower , 1985 ) .
8 The consensus politics of the post-1945 period in which so many of our demands were rooted is no more .
9 Vitruvius provides a clear description of an example of the late period from which it seems that the temples contained three cells placed side by side and dedicated to three different deities .
10 This was probably due to the restricted street availability of opioids such as Diconal after 1982 , the very period during which the majority of the younger interviewees were initiated into heroin use .
11 Paradoxically , it dates from the very period in which Tristan was conceived ; in fact the Tristan drama itself was planned and its words written under Schopenhauerian influence — but influence of an ethical , rather than an aesthetic , kind .
12 Failure to do so will mean that your efforts in negotiating long-term security of tenure might be in vain , as you could eventually find the shareholders deciding to bring your contract to a premature end and discover that you are unable to claim compensation for the full period during which you expected to work .
13 It seems very likely , indeed , that an extension of democratic and decentralized planning would lead to an even larger role for the social sciences in the formation of public policies , if one may judge from the expansion and the greater utilization of them which has already occurred in the short period during which the present welfare states have developed .
14 Perhaps you missed the short period in which the fish were feeding ?
15 The slum clearance schemes , and the construction of the Quarry Hill flats were largely stimulated by the short period in which the Leeds City Labour Party held control of the City Council .
16 The first period for which there is a consistent series is from 1872 to 1905 .
17 If history is potentially unreliable and incomplete , what of the prehistoric period for which we have no written records at all ?
18 This survey follows a pilot study of the West Midlands in the Anglo-Saxon period in which particular use was made of Old English charter material .
19 This is the earliest period for which good documentation exists which can be interpreted together with archaeological and linguistic evidence to reconstruct the landscape in detail .
20 The earliest period in which garden ornaments were widely used in England was the Tudor age , when wooden columns painted in the armorial colours of the garden 's owner were surmounted by carved beasts of heraldic significance .
21 The Queen 's Bench Division Direction says that the wording must be specific , and if prescribing unpleasant consequences unless a particular act is done , the order must make clear the precise period within which the act is to be done except that unless the court otherwise specifies , no time need be specified in the case of judgments or orders for the payment of money , for possession of land , or the delivery of goods ; in those cases , the order , unless some time is specified , may be enforced immediately .
22 The amount of the provision would depend on a number of factors such as : the length of the expected period during which there will be no sub-lessee ; the amount of rental any sub-lessee could be expected to pay in the prevailing market conditions ; the amount that the company would have to pay to dispose of the lease ; and the intentions of management regarding the vacant space .
23 The picture does not really change if we turn from the Bible to those seals and bronzes from the Persian period with which the Archaeological Museums of Jerusalem have made us familiar .
24 In the North , at Durham Priory , some leasing of demesne began in the late fourteenth century , but the main period at which it was rented out was between 1408 and 1416 , perhaps some two decades later than at Christ Church , Canterbury ( 80 , pp.79 , 90 , 131 ; 209 p.272 ) .
25 Hamburg covers the whole period during which the carrier is in charge of the goods at the ports of loading and discharge .
26 Between 1983 and 1989 , the latest period for which comparable figures are available , more than twice as many jobs were created in Britain compared with the rest of the EC .
27 A total of 5.1 million notifiable offences were recorded by the police in the 12 months to the end of September 1991 , the latest period for which firm figures are available .
28 The last period during which the country suffered from the combined effects of disastrous harvest and epidemic diseases was from 1723 to 1730 , particularly the later years .
29 Since it necessarily takes a long time to produce such a report , the mandatory period within which the legal claim should be registered has frequently , even usually , expired before the report is available .
30 ( 4 ) If a court determines that any such criteria are satisfied , it shall make an order authorising the child to be kept in secure accommodation and specifying the maximum period for which he may be so kept .
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