Example sentences of "the [noun] in [pron] head " in BNC.

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1 The struggle in his head was so fierce that he had no energy left to fight Doyle .
2 No pictures of the Lock in her head !
3 Stray images wandered into her unfocussed mind : the glossy black heads of seals breaking the sea 's surface , the castle with knights riding out — She could make pictures of the Lock in her head again !
4 A few minutes before , he had tried to add ‘ We apologize for nothing ’ to the rules in his head , but he knew that Sara would always move him to compunction .
5 His ears are only just covered by his hair above , as the barber , out of respect for the empire , keeps the hair in his head and cheeks short by continual trimming .
6 The thread in his head was slipping away … slipping away .
7 In Printers and Finishers Ltd v Holloway [ 1964 ] 3 All ER 731 Cross J made a distinction between the two concepts of remembering something and conscious memorising : " The mere fact that the confidential information is not embodied in a document but is carried away by the employee in his head is not … of itself a reason against the granting of an injunction to prevent its use or disclosure by him " .
8 — There was no way , though , she was going to step into that pit : Simon 's warning , ‘ Making a fool of you — not as daft as you think — making a fool of you , ’ replayed again and again like a commentary to the pictures in her head .
9 She must bear in mind she was in control of the pictures in her head .
10 Tug made the pictures in his head .
11 She wanted him to be someone she could love and idealised the future in her head , but then found herself thinking about that most heartwrenching of adolescent discoveries ; people rarely are what you want them to be and betray you without malice , unaware of the pain they cause .
12 The man who has reversed the image of the horizontal heavyweight from Britain now has a clearly defined picture of the future in his head .
13 He would have laughed if it were not for the echo of the screaming in his head .
14 Chesarynth leant back against the wall , holding her throbbing hand and waiting for the knives in her head to dissolve .
15 If that does n't make him sit up and take notice … one of the voices in her head started to say until she firmly clamped down on it .
16 Would it be so wrong to give in ? argued the voices in her head .
17 Then the surge in her head became a roar , blotting out everything .
18 Marie concentrated hard , trying to find the right words to give some shape and order to the confusion in her head .
19 Blake listened as the Doctor tried to explain the confusion in his head .
20 The images in its head were confusing and seemed to hasten the dying feeling inside .
21 Consciousness of the audience made Michael Banks nervous , and nervousness scrambled the lines in his head even further .
22 The noises in my head never stop and have nearly driven me to suicide .
23 He kept replaying the scene in his head when Zambia stood before him , wreathed to hir chest in tangled rats'-tails , an urchin elemental , and removed hir clothes .
24 He replays the scene in his head .
25 obviously we 've got to work together on all , are you listening to me ? , on all the different parts of the body , you want them all to come alive , okay , so , this week as I say we 're gon na concentrate on sound , sound , sound , sound , you 've got to play on sound that is the painting , I mean the , the pictures do you , alright that 's fine , at the same does n't matter we 've still got to work on different things , yeah , okay ? , erm , so , as I say we 're going to make a sound machine in different groups , now to give you an example , what I what you to do is be , I 'm going to give you a situation , give , choose a profession , okay , let's say we are in hospital , now I want you each and everyone of you in this group think of the situation , think of a sound that one might hear in a hospital , everyone to themselves just think of a sound , could be a patient screaming , it could be a heart machine , it could be , er exactly , could be that , could be absolutely anything , it could sirens , it could be anything , okay , for everyone I want you to have the sound in your head okay , everyone 's got a sound in their head ?
26 My lips felt engorged , there was a ringing in my ears , and I could feel the blood pumping around the veins in my head .
27 She felt angry with herself for getting carried away by the ideas in her head , for turning her back on reality .
28 Harriet , she begins to talk , feeling the wine in her head , and talking faster , you are telling me how you bought this pretty scenery for Mummy 's sake , partly .
29 In spite of the pounding in her head she tried to concentrate .
30 He closed his eyes until the pounding in his head had subsided and wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand .
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