Example sentences of "the [noun] until it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But I 'm totally untechnical ; my theory in the studio is ‘ turn the knobs until it sounds good ’ .
2 This happens because of the venturi effect in the air-intake of the carburettor which lowers the air pressure with a consequential reduction of temperature , causing water vapour in humid air to condense out and freeze on the throat of the carburettor until it becomes blocked with ice .
3 Mr Wilson added that he was still pursuing the wider issues of the case until it became apparent whether the case of Ian X was unique .
4 Follow the path across the field until it reaches a metal gate with an awkward stile beside it .
5 He reached across and pulled up the blanket until it covered the boy 's chest .
6 The returning sonar thus passes virtually unimpeded through the ‘ auditory window ’ , the delicate layer of tissue covering a thin lower mandible , travelling thence along the jaw until it reaches the auditory bulla , an auditory sense receptor lying close to the point of articulation of the lower jaw with the remainder of the skull .
7 Now , with gentle pressure , move the lace carriage across to the right , push the knitting until it rests on the left of the main carriage .
8 It then works its way back through all the calls until it has completed the final multiplication , when it returns the answer .
9 Turn round ! girl , ’ and swung her round by the shoulders , and while holding her with one hand she ripped the pieces of tape from the end of each plait , before she tore at the hair until it hung in uneven strands ; then she almost lifted Millie from the floor as , using both hands now , she drew the strands together and began forming them into a tight rope-like plait .
10 Then put it into the freezer until it sets .
11 He read the letters interlaced with hearts ; he lit a cigarette , exhaled slowly , watching the smoke nudge across the roof until it found its way out into the sky through the circle in the roof like a full moon ; he lifted the door open , and looked across the olive grove .
12 As the deep velvet baritone quietly affirmed ‘ Und morgen wird die Sonne wieder scheinen … ’ , a hawk moth , disturbed at the window pane , raced towards the bulb of a reading-lamp and dashed itself against the light until it fell exhausted on to the table .
13 However , the back of the prostate is adjacent to the anterior wall of the rectum , and by gently massaging the gland from inside the rectum , a bead of fluid can be expressed and ‘ milked ’ along the urethra until it appears at the urethral meatus .
14 The acquirer should refuse finally to settle the terms of the warranties until it has seen the disclosure letter and disclosure material .
15 He started to kick the fence until it hurt , the tears running down his face , safely alone amongst the sidings .
16 To surmount this problem , the elephants started tearing down trees , which they laid on the fence until it collapsed , allowing them to step over it .
17 The dogs had followed the line of the fence until it ended abruptly , whereupon they had glimpsed many more man-things up ahead .
18 Inchoate anger seethed on in the Weald until it exploded in the autumn of 1645 when the ‘ Clubmen ’ appeared , basically a ‘ confederacy with the vulgar multitude ’ of tenant farmers .
19 Fig13 Just before setting off : the rig is pulled across the body towards the wind until it feels balanced .
20 Better to gamble that a private collector would keep the car until it became rare enough to warrant accepting it , if it were offered later .
21 In a desperate effort to escape , Pc Whitehouse reversed the car until it crashed .
22 3/Slowly darkening the area , continuing to smudge and highlight with the eraser again and again , I work the piece until it looks right .
23 Slowly darkening the area , continuing to smudge and highlight with the eraser again and again , I work the piece until it looks right .
24 Push the pipe into the fitting until it meets the internal stop .
25 Continue removing the scum until it turns white and frothy : add a few tablespoons of cold water twice as you skim the surface .
26 the light comes on , and then it waits until you start the engine until it goes off
27 They were therefore leaving it exposed to the elements until it reached the point where ministers decided it was a waste of time and money to restore it .
28 Then he saw one of the boys turn his back on the man he seemed to be dancing with , hook his fingers in the skimpy underpants , wriggle them down to reveal his bottom and then wiggle the bottom until it shook like a jelly .
29 If the sauce requires thickening , boil it quickly in the casserole or a saucepan on the hot-plate until it has reduced sufficiently — it should be thick but moist .
30 Slowly pull up the bar until it touches the chest , and then slowly lower it to arm 's length .
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