Example sentences of "the [noun] tend [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Today the change tends to be managed in a more system-wide way than it was previously .
2 The markets in options that are deeply in or out of the money tend to be rather thin , and such options are not actively traded .
3 Not only does the text tend to be repetitious but each item of gear if prefaced by an otherwise blank page informing us of the Key Point to be gleaned in that section , pearls of wisdom such as : ‘ A file is useful for sharpening the edges of your … hooks .
4 So far , we have seen that while physics was viewed by students as exciting and forward-looking , in practice the teaching tended to be conventional and hierarchical , very much like school , with students being given a body of information to absorb .
5 At the moment the presentation of the palaces tends to be rather plain and unimaginative .
6 The cows have red freckles on the face and neck in particular , while those of the bulls tend to be greyish .
7 If these were inappropriate then bewilderment and anxiety occurred and the interaction tended to be terminated after a few limited responses leaving a residual sense of uncertainty , displeasure and frustration .
8 Management in the West tends to be on a collective basis ; in the East by individuals appointed by the party or the central government .
9 Because companies pay taxes according to how well they did the previous year , the deficit tends to be deepest just as we come out of recession .
10 For AMS , the upper age limit is determined by other factors such as machine stability and the degree of modern contamination introduced in the processing of very small samples ; the values tend to be similar to those for conventional radiocarbon laboratories .
11 I do n't think it is possible to disagree about the high probability that a relationship exists , and that indeed children with higher levels of lead in the blood tend to be less intelligent ( and possibly more hyperactive ) than children with lower blood lead levels , although the differences are quite small , amounting to some 3 or 4 points of IQ .
12 Knuth ( 1973 , p483 ) explains that we ‘ can save memory space at the expense of running time if we use a linked list for each node vector , since most of the entries tend to be empty ’ , which certainly applies to our lists of words .
13 Whereas philosophers such as Hirst ( 1974 ) and Phenix ( 1964 ) have attempted to classify knowledge in terms of logical forms or groupings , the knowledge-based curriculum in the schools tends to be organized in more familiar , traditional subject categories : mathematics , physics , history , geography , English , etc .
14 The clew and foot of the sail are cut quite high to provide greater manoeuvrability , whilst the boom tends to be short — 1.65m on a 5.5 sq m sail .
15 The Abacus tends to be stronger , so the Southern League of Wales teams have a greater pool of talent to draw from . ’
16 Because of the nature of the problems dealt with by departments of genito-urinary medicine , the questions asked by the doctor at the interview tend to be of an intimate nature .
17 In the past , the interview tended to be regarded as simply a means of collecting factual information from respondents and , by itself , of little interest .
18 It is a field that is full of mythology , but also of research ; but the research tends to be compartmentalized between individual media , so that it is difficult to find meaningful material covering a combination of media in any very useful way .
19 Following his survey of relatively low-income home owners , he argues that the domestic division of labour within homes is indeed ‘ strongly patterned by gender , with child care ( where relevant ) , laundry and house cleaning being strongly associated with women while gardening and looking after the car tend to be predominantly male activities ’ .
20 The only other downside I noticed was that the car tended to be a little ponderous in lower gears around town .
21 The result tends to be low productivity , the appearance of shortages and surpluses , an exodus of skilled labour from agriculture because of its low priority and a sharp contrast between a small efficient private sector and a large inefficient public sector .
22 The physicist tends to be unfavourably disposed toward systems whose beginning he can not understand , and this attitude accounts for part of the antipathy towards the concept of white holes .
23 In Congress , in addition to large personal staffs of members , the senior Democratic and Republican members of each committee may hire their own committee staff , and the recruits tend to be bright and ambitious postgraduates , especially lawyers .
24 Perhaps the most interesting property of all , though , is that the range of sizes present at any one point in an air-fall pumice deposit is rather restricted , so that the fragments tend to be all more or less the same size , or to put it formally , the deposit is said to be well-sorted .
25 Powder formulations can be compared in the same way , although since the concentrations tend to be higher this formula can be used :
26 If we see something on the side of the road , and we think the horse may shy at it , and we look at it very hard and carefully , the horse tends to be less likely to shy .
27 But such is the way of life and the pressing business of climbing all 277 Munros that the Corbetts tend to be ignored , at least for the moment .
28 The people recruited into official positions through the parties tend to be of high social status , predominantly male , white and middle-aged .
29 The harbour tends to be a bit full , the berths correspondingly narrow .
30 It may be difficult to find the neck pulse in a baby because the neck tends to be short and chubby .
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