Example sentences of "the [noun] station on the " in BNC.

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1 Tony had just returned from Iceland , his epic cycle tour , and I was back from Switzerland , buoyed up by time spent working at the Research Station on the Jungfraujoch .
2 he told her that even if he was caught he had now enough money to get her , police monitoring calls to the Shipway 's office traced the call within seconds to a phone box at the service station on the A one at Groinby near Gran Grantham Lan , Lincolnshire , police cars arrived at the call box only minutes after the kidnapper had left
3 Mr James Durham , the nightwatchman , had a cabin near the crossing and his beat was from the old goods station , east of the crossing to the passenger station on the west .
4 pass the train station , got up the train station on the left
5 The wounded who seemed to have a chance of recovery were left on the jeeps and were sped off down through the village to the dressing stations on the other side of the River Orne .
6 In the event , the more fateful decision was not the proposal of a route within the walled city but making the starting point for the march the railway station on the Protestant Waterside .
7 Anthony escorted Julia and David to the railway station on the Thursday before Easter and while David went to buy the tickets , Julia seized the opportunity to ask her husband to do a small errand for her .
8 Well and he used to come regular every Friday afternoon , and he used to go the s a ch lower down you know , after you pass the police station on the left there , there used to be a butcher 's place there .
9 This nest set up on the flat lands beyond the power stations on the south east coast will provide the evidence to Bill and his bird watching colleagues It 's not only the owls that fly at night , waders will feed at any time , but the rising tide will force them to leave the mud flats day or night
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