Example sentences of "the [noun] [Wh pn] actually [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ( His father 's occupation is particularly significant , because the invention of the mechanical clock must presumably have depended on the co-operation of the learned man , probably a monk , who first thought of it and the blacksmith who actually constructed it . )
2 The associated DC user will be the user who actually calls this procedure .
3 The associated DC user will be the user who actually calls this procedure .
4 The associated DC user will be the user who actually calls this procedure .
5 and I was thinking of the benefactor who actually offered this er
6 Pictured with Anthony , ‘ the 1066 Man ’ , are Joe Durie , Rose Saliba from La Manga , David Crook — Marketing Communications Manager at Pilkington Glass , and Anne Noakes — the coach who actually rallied with Anthony .
7 For example , while it is the professional who advises on methods of setting a baseline , it is the parents who actually observe , count and note the occurrence of the defined problem .
8 Guidelines , syllabuses , books , aids of various kinds , all depend upon the teacher who actually applies them within the classroom situation .
9 As usual , he is emphatic that the answer has nothing to do with the individuals who actually run the state .
10 There is also a growing tendency in the carpet trade to market rugs from certain parts of the world under the name of the weaving group whose design has been used , rather than that of the group who actually made the rug .
11 I mean in so I I come here today with a petition that I presented that also talks about proposing to abolish the merger , I mean this is a move just one step away from that but I still feel in what was proposed at the last full council meeting and I would express my views to the officers that in light of what has been suggested today is actually implemented to the wording as it stands because the joint working party that had been er written up previously never did meet although if I can inform it was only the officers who actually met up and I hope that in light of all the working group and the two heads of centres covering for each other would be implicitly applied .
12 In many societies David McKnight tells me the man who does the circumcision who actually chops off the foreskins as it were , owes you a wife for it and he says in many of them if you give a man your foreskin then you 've got a right to demand a wife .
13 The officer(s) who actually cautioned her may be required to prove such caution(s) to the court .
14 In New York , Robert Schwartz , chairman of the Tarrytown Group of New York , offered $10000 to the person who actually carried out the best test of the hypothesis .
15 Now , , if we consider ordinary life assurance , somebody first said to me that er , maybe the best erm , sales manager , or sales promoter or publicist or , or whatever , was the person who actually had the idea of calling death insurance , life insurance , yes ?
16 The legislation is aimed principally at those who present or direct plays rather than at the person who actually performs them ; the latter commits an offence only if without reasonable excuse he performs otherwise than in accordance with the director 's instructions .
17 but you were the person who actually worked out the , what costs would go in this document were n't you ?
18 The monarch might name the officer himself , but if that officer had the power of naming a deputy the Crown had no influence at all in choosing the person who actually did the work .
19 Finally , an important point to note is that the person who actually deals with the customer , at the point of sale , may have a strong influence over or even control the credit transaction .
20 You are the person who actually provides the day to day care for residents .
21 these forces , are essential for any understanding of the historical Jesus — the Jesus who actually walked the soil of Palestine two thousand years ago — rather than the Christ of faith .
22 Perhaps er school children could be brought in when the theatre start 's during the day who actually see how the theatre runs see what theatre 's all about and they might be interested in the theatre . .
23 Harwich , too , is a source of happy memories , a favourite being the policeman who actually smiled .
24 The whole notion of society was patriarchial , from the concept of God the father right down to the father who actually dominated the household and dictated even when the rosary should be said , and so forth .
25 He was one of the people who actually made the series , but I have to say that I never thought his career was channelled in the right direction .
26 Tonight , we meet the people who actually put those programmes on the air .
27 And to do it without a lot without a lot of support from the a from the people who actually lived in the flats , although they organized things and got it going , and the people living there did n't seem to be motivated to give them the kind of encouragement erm
28 And that produced a spin off effect , because the people who actually lived in properties or the shopkeepers in the properties , they could see that the outsides were improved , and that provided a spur for them to provide the insides .
29 While the academic debate continued on the sidelines , the people who actually ran most of the risks being discussed took matters in their own hands .
30 The the trust has actually approached several Council 's in the area not just Harlow Council obviously but many many other Councils and I think there was only one other Council that provided some funding and that was something like two hundred and fifty pounds was offered at one time I think that 's ceased now so there is no other Council although although it 'd be interesting tonight although fifty per cent of the people who actually use this facility actually come from outside the town but there 's no funding directly or indirectly from any other Council so my knowledge would be if you exclude B P exclude General Portfolio perhaps I 'm doing other companies a disservice I ca n't think of any other major company in town that 's actually provided but Gordon can you think of .
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