Example sentences of "the [noun] [coord] [noun] needed " in BNC.

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1 Initially it had been felt that some families failed to take advantage of the services offered by the welfare state and , despite the basic social services , they fell into poverty and sickness , remained ignorant of the skills and attitudes needed to cope with life and failed to find accommodation for themselves .
2 The programme was designed to look at the skills and knowledge needed by hospitality industry managers , at all levels in every sector of the profession , to operate successfully within Britain and Continental Europe .
3 If your ability to gain the skills and information needed to combat the many complex issues that you have to deal with is impaired , then the government and employers will have what they want .
4 But is the private sector really going to provide the investment and planning needed for this sudden introduction of information technology ?
5 Special patterns were produced in magazines and newspapers and instead of quoting the width and yardage needed for a garment , they stated the number of parachute panels you needed .
6 The new parent is often unprepared and may need to turn to books for help wit the words and games needed for those periods of child bouncing , rocking , and cuddling .
7 The structure will determine the lines and shapes needed to fill the dimensions and , when needed , help to create the atmosphere and mood of the whole .
8 It believes Unix is unlikely to capture even 10% of the 32-bit commercial desktop market , falling way short of the 20% or 30% needed to get broad market , ISV and channel support .
9 On the other hand , there have been problems , such that in 1988 the National Audit Office could argue ( pp. 4–5 ) that there was an urgent need for a fundamental review of the MDC , including consideration of its management , development strategy , the size of its area and the timescale and resources needed to establish the Corporation 's effectiveness ' .
10 Having agreed this with the procedure owner , a procedure description is prepared , showing amongst other things , the resources and activities needed to meet the objectives , and this is compared with what actually exists .
11 In addition to providing the knowledge and skills needed for medical practice the new curriculum at the medical schools of the Royal London Hospital and St Bartholomew 's Hospital aims to foster lifelong learning and awareness of strengths , weaknesses , and learning needs .
12 The vocational course in architecture seeks to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to enter the profession .
13 The workings were reached by a precipitous path up which the timber and water needed for fire-setting as a way of detaching the rock had to be carried .
14 Q I wish to take up a career in outdoor activities and am looking for information on the qualifications and training needed for this kind of work .
15 By this test , a ‘ theory ’ , as in Lipsey , is a mixture of hypotheses ( synthetic general statements of regularities or laws of nature ) and analytic statements , which define terms , introduce the logic and mathematics needed for deducing implications , and link the hypotheses together .
16 There 's also a comprehensive section listing the materials and equipment needed for everything from liming wood to ageing plasterwork with clear , concise instructions on how to master each technique .
17 The money raised at this event is put towards the running of the church and things needed for the village to keep it looking attractive .
18 It is likely that most small towns contained a tannery since the processes and equipment needed for the production of leather were not entirely suitable for domestic use , apart from the exceedingly unpleasant smell generated .
19 It was a safe and economical procedure which also initially guaranteed the loyalty and discretion needed for the maintenance of security .
20 The guidelines state the policy on alternative route schemes and clarify the procedures and systems needed to implement such schemes .
21 This has provided coca growers with the training and tools needed to switch from coca to tea , bananas and livestock .
22 The daily contact between a young gardener and a young cook , conferring about the fruit and vegetables needed for their employer 's meals , led to their falling in love and marriage , and my birth nine months later .
23 Called NeuFuz4 , it runs under Windows and is claimed to reduce the cost and time needed to implement fuzzy logic because it automatically create a fuzzy system based on desired system inputs and outputs — it enables up to four inputs to create one output , then verifies and codes it for use with NatSemi 's COP8 family of embedded microcontrollers .
24 Dell Computer Corp is to offer specially priced , custom-configured personal computers to employees of the American Airlines unit of AMR Corp : the 115,000 American employees worldwide can now buy Dell machines pre-installed with the software and peripherals needed to get onto and use American 's Sabre air reservation and flight system .
25 This will make it possible … ( i ) to strengthen the co-ordination of monetary policies ; ( ii ) to develop the instruments and procedures needed for the future conduct of a single monetary policy ; and ( iii ) to oversee the development of the ECU .
26 ( 4 ) Outline the services and expertise needed by each market ( eg the ability to take a high volume of claims from a bulk work provider , familiarity with medical practice , specialist knowledge of health and safety regulations ) .
27 The aim of all these procedures is to ensure that no patient arrives home without the drugs or equipment needed or is left without adequate care and support .
28 These various kinds of galls , which number in the tens of thousands , then provide the shelter or nutrients needed by the organism that caused them .
29 More fundamental , all the energy and material needed for the growth of the germ cells is supplied by the rest of the body , so there are plenty of opportunities for the body to influence the germ cells .
30 Later , you 'll use races to help monitor your progress , but first of all you need to go through some basic steps to establish the habits and strengths needed for a good running programme .
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