Example sentences of "the [noun] [noun sg] changes [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Here the tide level changes by 9 or 10 m up or down each six hours or so .
2 The shape of the budget line changes to 175 ; after point 7 the individual can consume more of good X , but to do so she must give up some quantity of good Y. In the example shown the new welfare maximum for the individual is on the corner point , 7 .
3 The budget line changes from 12 to 13 .
4 Major 's administration may be remembered for bringing the community care changes into being , but this is another Thatcher legacy now being implemented in financial crisis .
5 The implementation of the community care changes throughout the United Kingdom from 1 April will mark the culmination of a series of major health and social care reforms .
6 A DTS spokeswoman explained : ‘ Once a guest has checked out , the room telephone is automatically disabled to prevent unauthorised use , and the room status changes to ‘ requires cleaning ’ .
7 If the recording system changes from time to time these questions can not be answered because even slightly different recording systems can be measuring completely different behaviours .
8 If the basic variable in an implicit row is σ J ( or x J ) and its partner is non-basic , so we pivot on 1 ( as in P2/T1 ) , the pivot column k is simply multiplied by -1 and the resource column changes to .
9 As the process proceeds many blood vessels become nipped and the scar tissue changes in colour from red to white which can take many years .
10 What now follows is a listing of important , more general , archives in the keeping of these local depositories , some of which have been considerably reorganised subsequent to the county boundary changes of 1974 .
11 Every two rows , the autoset lever changes from 1 to 0 and vice versa , so only one of your two colours knits on the ribber .
12 Within 24 hours of treatment the growth pattern changes from the ‘ straight ’ to the ‘ coiling ’ form and in 72 hours numerous haustorial mounds can be seen .
13 In the meantime organization changes of a management kind have been put into action at Eastley , so that certain , certain changes very quickly can be made which reflect the spirit of the report for improved management but your officers and Council are still considering the items that they feel n er should be reconsidered refined and developed .
14 The associated user will receive a mail message when the DC state changes to Agreed ( if all interested users accept the proposal ) or when the DC state changes to Rejected ( if one or more interested users reject the proposal ) .
15 The associated user will receive a mail message when the DC state changes to Agreed ( if all interested users accept the proposal ) or when the DC state changes to Rejected ( if one or more interested users reject the proposal ) .
16 In any real-world population the death rate changes from one age-group to another while , for a given age-group , the male and female death rates are also different .
17 Three major divisions can be recognized ( Fig. 3.11 ) ( 1 ) the Southern ( Patagonian ) Andes , extending from Tierra del Fuego northwards to the Gulf of Penas at latitude 47°S where the actively spreading Chile Ridge extends westwards into the Pacific ; ( 2 ) the Central ( Chilean-Peruvian ) Andes reaching from the Gulf of Penas northwards to the Amotape cross structure at the Peru-Ecuador border where the northwestern trend of the mountain belt changes to a northeasterly orientation ; and ( 3 ) the northern ( Colombian-Venezuelan ) Andes , extending from the Amotape cross structure northwards and then eastwards to eventually link with the Caribbean Arc .
18 The futures price changes used in this study were argued to precede the spot price changes by roughly one minute , although this has been disputed ( Gordon , Moriarty and Tosini , 1987 , and Herbst and Maberly , 1987 ) .
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