Example sentences of "this [noun sg] suggest [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Though the rich legacy of an extensive black presence on this continent suggests that it may be possible for many commentators , the terms ‘ black ’ and ‘ European ’ remain categories which mutually exclude each other .
2 This exercise suggested that there were few class differences in community nurse use or acute hospital care .
3 The title of this work suggests that it is an essay in the sociology of transport , a subject that has crept into some degree and other courses at University level .
4 Those who acquiesce in this cynical co-incidence of interest would do well to apply themselves to the conclusions of the recent Ramblers ' Association study on Birds and Walkers : ‘ this work suggests that there is no reason to prohibit public access , but that careful management is required .
5 ‘ The history of its application throughout this period suggests that its more important function was to suppress all forms of challenge , whether peaceful or violent , to the hegemony of its unionist sponsors . ’
6 Indeed , it is the purpose of this article to suggest that what was alleged at the outset to be the general principle , that of self-determination , is in fact the exception .
7 Ali Cemali , who had in the years between 888 and 891 moved on to other posts , was the first appointee to the new medrese and , though his salary is not specified , the course of his career to this point suggests that it can not have been less than 50 akce a day .
8 Exactly , I mean that 's what they should do , but this evidence suggests that they 're not doing that .
9 This delay suggests that he had not intended his angry words to be taken literally , but at least one of his sons was clearly capable of making trouble , while claiming to be doing no more than carrying out his father 's wishes .
10 This friend suggested that there might be something which had happened at an earlier stage in Kirsty 's life which was causing her health to deteriorate now .
11 But there was just enough from John Major this week to suggest that it is n't a fantasy either .
12 Of course , the state is not insulated from economic pressures or political demands from the working class and other groups , but this analysis suggests that it will respond to them in ways which are to its own advantage , which may not coincide with the narrowly defined interests of capital or other political forces .
13 A later chapter in this book suggests that there could be a ‘ religious ’ purpose to conflict , but it would be directed against crime organised on a global scale , and as defined in that chapter .
14 There 's this tendency to suggest that there are these providers out there , that will provide .
15 The existence of this school suggests that there could have been other halls in the town , but there is no definite evidence .
16 Altogether the timing and pattern of this increase suggests that it is connected with an increase , shift or change in habits of a continental population , rather than the British .
17 The Hayward 's lower galleries are mainly devoted to personal contributions , to semi-abstract painting ( and the absence of sculpture in this section suggests that it was easier to join international art by painting rather than sculpting ) .
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