Example sentences of "are supposed [prep] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Being that management procedures are supposed to be best practice ,
2 ‘ Nobody , however knowledgeable in the nuclear power field , can guarantee 100 per cent safety , a fact which causes my daughter to have nightmares , myself to lose sleep and be dogged by melancholy and dread , and my son to lose respect for those who are supposed to be wiser than he . ’
3 Nicholson , 55 , said last night : ‘ I know reporters are supposed to be neutral but I had a chance to help someone .
4 Everton are supposed to be one of the big five ‘ nothing but the best will do ’ .
5 It will certainly not provide the stability necessary for rights which are supposed to be inalienable and imprescriptible , let alone self-evident .
6 The courts are supposed to be vigilant on behalf of the citizen , and mindful of the liberty to go about one 's lawful business .
7 ‘ We are supposed to be prospective man and wife , ’ he said , still rubbing his chest , ‘ and Margrida is under the impression that we 're madly in love . ’
8 Most advances are supposed to be short-term but in practice many are outstanding for long periods .
9 You are supposed to be eighteen years old .
10 SCIENCE and technology are supposed to be two keystones of Mikhail Gorbachev 's attempts to liven up the Soviet economy .
11 There are new flat roof systems about which are supposed to be better , but they suffer from the same inherent disadvantages as their earlier counterparts .
12 Advertisements , packages and labels all stress that their product contains only natural ingredients , since ‘ natural ’ things are supposed to be better for us .
13 ‘ Men are supposed to be hairy , Karim .
14 Jackdaws are supposed to be great collectors , but even a jackdaw could not fly off with the hands , feet and eyeballs of a four year old crammed into its beak all at once .
15 Afterwards we went to another historic place nearby , the tomb of the first proper emperor of China , Emperor Chin I ; it 's an enormous man-made hill , and there are supposed to be great treasures hidden in the tomb below , perhaps comparable to Tutenkamun , who knows .
16 It was like the sort of bullying you see in a public school yard carried out by men who are supposed to be professional politicians to put pressure on the weaker ones and the new boys .
17 ‘ Cars produced in Europe are supposed to be European cars ’ , Mr Frans Andriessen , the EC 's External Relations Commissioner said .
18 ‘ Those people are supposed to be good riders , are n't they ?
19 The most productive tree in a village or orchard is chosen for a party and pieces of toast are hung in the branches to attract robins which are supposed to be good spirits .
20 For example there are supposed to be many wives who would have left their husbands long ago if they had been able to work out how to tell him they were going .
21 In the conceptual case , each example 's properties are supposed to be precise and discrete .
22 Bank and building society managers are supposed to be approachable : if yours is not then change to another branch .
23 Whereas fat men are considered okay — men are supposed to be big and beefy , after all .
24 This is a controversial issue : hoteliers and restaurateurs are supposed to be running hotels and restaurants , after all , not managing computer systems .
25 They are supposed to be easier to move than the western , garden variety .
26 They are supposed to be cheerful and rejoice , when they want to weep with terror and self-pity .
27 From the heights of Foel-cwmcerwyn , just to the east , you are supposed to be able to see Exmoor , Snowdonia and the Wicklow Mountains in Ireland .
28 People in my trade are supposed to be able to help , but I 've only been able to come up with the old platitude : ‘ Do n't buy a £500 car from a dealer because you 'll only get £100 worth of vehicle — the rest will be profit . ’
29 We are supposed to be able to turn the silver piece round , so that the plain side of the work is towards us , allowing the needles to lie in the grooves on the underside of the garter bar and replace the stitches on the needles .
30 In these ways , and in certain others of less importance which will be referred to briefly , members and the public ( which , for practical purposes , means creditors and others who may subsequently have dealings with the company and become its members or creditors ) are supposed to be able to obtain the information which they need to make an intelligent appraisal of their risks , and to decide when and how to exercise the rights and remedies which the law affords them .
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