Example sentences of "are to be [vb pp] among " in BNC.

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1 The cartoons are to be seen among many others , similarly waggish and satirical , at Jack Duncan Books in Fossgate , York .
2 As another example , suppose that , in some sloping field , the effects of nitrogen ( N ) , phosphate ( P ) and potash ( K ) on yield of barley are to be compared among themselves and with the yield from unfertilized ( C ) ground .
3 The Arts : Mementoes from the royal attic Fascinating insights are to be found among the bric-a-brac in the V&A 's celebration of the Queen 's reign , says Leslie Geddes-Brown
4 The highest rates are to be found among the population between the ages of 15 and 30 ( Ortega 1982 ) .
5 are to be found among the rodents .
6 The numbers of those who have added to the ‘ goodness ’ on earth are legion , and they are to be found among all the races of the world , from origins of the humblest to the most exalted .
7 ‘ Barrack-room lawyers ’ are to be found among the youngest members of the population .
8 Perhaps the best bargains for barnstormers are to be found among converted barns .
9 There is no conflict between application and theory ; the methods most useful in application are to be found among those that are most valid and powerful in theory .
10 As might be expected , some of the most intriguing examples of invertebrate tool use are to be found among those master-builders of the insect world , the ants , bees and wasps — collectively known as the Hymenoptera .
11 Some of the finest examples of technical skill are to be found among birds .
12 The highest concentrations of divorced people living with parents are to be found among men whose parents live in local authority accommodation .
13 Many of the most penetrating discussions of the foundations of morality are to be found among eighteenth-century British moral philosophers .
14 However , similar reactions are to be found among much larger populations whose linguistic/cultural existence is not threatened .
15 Many examples are to be found among local families , who probably had little practical alternative to accepting any change of lordship at Middleham .
16 Images of femininity and masculinity vary significantly by ethnicity ; it would be a mistake to assume that the patterns among British whites are to be found among black people .
17 Supporters of the human capital theory are to be found among both Marxist and non-Marxist schools of thought .
18 Many examples are to be found among local families , who probably had little practical alternative to accepting any change of lordship at Middleham .
19 THOUSANDS of leaflets are to be distributed among employees across the Group to raise the profile of the Heartwatch scheme .
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