Example sentences of "by the members [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Membership of an organisation necessitates voluntary restrictions upon the sovereign powers of States which can only be to the extent accepted by the members through the express or implied terms of the treaty .
2 The centre , if there is one , is in effect granted its limited powers and influence by the members of the group , the states .
3 A government is produced by the members of the House of Commons , which is the chief reason voters cast their ballots in elections .
4 This account was mainly intended to bring together some of the comments made by the members of the Arkleton Trust Advisory Committee on what they saw of rural development in Lewis and Harris .
5 The new chairman , elected unanimously by the members of the board , was Mr Neville Creed .
6 The Reverend Richard Thomas Lowe was a Cambridge graduate and eminent naturalist chosen by the members of the English Church to be their minister in 1833 .
7 Financial Reporting Exposure Draft No. 3 — ‘ Accounting for capital instruments ’ was approved for issue by the members of the Accounting Standards Board .
8 There are insurance brokers offering policy terms who are used by the members of the Freight Transport Association upon express recommendation of that body .
9 Later in the year , the Kingsley Dunham Centre was visited by the Council of NERC and by the members of the Associated Board for the Research Councils ( ABRC ) .
10 The 1633 ‘ Uyttenbogaert ’ fits that bill with the additional advantages of being both a representation of an important figure in Dutch religious history ( although the Rijksmuseum already has a portrait of him by Rembrandt 's contemporary Jacob Backer ) and universally accepted as authentic by the members of the Rembrandt Research Project , some of whom are Rijksmuseum curators .
11 It is particularly noticeable in his discussion of what he regards as ‘ irrational ’ protest movements , such as those associated with witchcraft and satanism , and for our purposes these are of special interest since they highlight the strategy used by the members of the Annales school to explain individual beliefs and actions .
12 The difference is clearly seen by comparing the ideologies of mobility held by the members of the two sorts of system .
13 The second is to facilitate a common market or a political or economic grouping by harmonizing national laws governing domestic transactions , so that State boundaries within the geographical area covered by the members of the market lose much of their significance within the fields covered by the harmonizing measures .
14 But we do not have to follow him further , to the view that authentic Producers ' Co-operation is to be found in factories owned and ultimately controlled not by the men and women working in them , but by the members of the Consumers ' Co-operatives whose capital built and equipped the factories , and employed labour to work in them .
15 The STA as a whole was left with debts totalling £6,260 in the 1870s , and " the greater part of this sum was absorbed by the members of the Edinburgh branch … [ who ] above all others might have been expected to stand by the office-bearers till the debt was at least liquidated " .
16 An anomaly will be regarded as particularly serious if it is seen as striking at the very fundamentals of a paradigm and yet persistently resists attempts by the members of the normal scientific community to remove it .
17 SIR — It has already been reported that , contrary to official policy , the scientific merits of candidates for academic promotion in Italy are not given primary consideration by the members of the judging commission , so it often happens that a loser has a curriculum vitae ( c.v. ) clearly superior to that of a winner .
18 The programme to be sustained by the Members of the Society with the addition of the Magic Lantern . "
19 7–4 There was a concert given by the members of the evening music class taught by Mr Armour of Ardbeg school ; Mr Bisset , assistant teacher at Port Ellen gave readings .
20 The agreement , like those that had preceded it , envisaged a directly elected presidency , and a bicameral legislature made up on a republican and a population basis , respectively ; central authority would be limited to those spheres of activity that had been specifically delegated by the members of the union .
21 Clearly , he was highly regarded by the members of the Lunar Society of Birmingham , one of the most influential provincial scientific societies of Georgian England .
22 Politzer defines it as " the entire complex pattern of behaviour and material achievements which are produced , learned and shared by the members of the community " ( quoted in Rivers 1964 ) .
23 Originally the EP was indirectly elected , that is to say the members were selected by the members of the national parliaments .
24 Can my right hon. Friend give us an assurance that the additional funds that the United Nations needs to carry out these increased responsibilities will be provided by the members of the United Nations ?
25 At the same time , voting would take place for one-quarter of the seats in the Little Hural , the remainder to be elected by the members of the Great Hural .
26 Of the 60 members , 35 were elected by the members of the House of Representatives , 15 were selected from the country 's five development zones and 10 were directly appointed by King Birendra [ see p. 38193 for May election of House of Representatives ] .
27 Talks on the future of the Yugoslav federation began on July 22 in Ohrid , Macedonia , attended by the members of the Collective State Presidency and by the Presidents of the six republics .
28 The films were recorded in locations unlikely to be identified by the members of the research panel .
29 Abroad , gestures such as the dilution of the pre-1945 Falangist predominance and the 1947 referendum had achieved a certain relaxation in the hard line adopted by the members of the United Nations .
30 This ceremony was witnessed by the members of the pope 's entourage , his erstwhile colleagues among the cardinals , with their attendants , and the clergy and people of Rome , plus those visiting the Holy City .
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