Example sentences of "by a sense [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The fact that some individuals commit acts which break the rules of society is accompanied by a sense of outrage with reinforces , in the majority , support of the rules ( both moral and legal ) of the society .
2 Lord Joseph 's family was ‘ minimally observant ’ but ‘ maximally acknowledging ’ of Judaism , and his concern for poverty is , in a way , quintessentially Jewish , underpinned by a sense of charity and a belief that prosperity can be encouraged , as can his favourite condition , embourgeoisement .
3 Dobson , ugly and cretinous , was compensated by a sense of animal cunning that could smell out weakness in others and advantage to himself .
4 CHELMSFORD City players were cheered off the pitch at the end of their 1–0 victory over Halesowen Town , a demonstration stimulated by a sense of relief rather than the quality of the performance .
5 and on his desire to praise God , which is constantly thwarted by a sense of inability and corruption .
6 But by now , the whole Lockerbie investigation was dogged by a sense of futility felt nowhere more keenly than at the Scottish Fatal Accident Inquiry which , just before Christmas 1990 , recessed for a month after hearing 150 witnesses in 46 days .
7 Four beginnings , he wrote , each prompted by a sense of revulsion .
8 Jean 's precocious bubble of confidence , which had earned her the attention of her parents , was replaced by a sense of guilt about what had happened which lasted into later life .
9 But if fear gives way to fury — as has happened with the formation of this vociferous pressure group and watchdog — those feelings need no longer be followed by a sense of frustration and impotence .
10 Initially , the women were doubtless drawn by the glamour of the nurse 's uniform and by a sense of adventure ; later , as the French women who had not lost a husband , lover or brother became fewer and fewer , the more frivolous motives became replaced by a formidable dedication .
11 A courageous and independent woman who expressed strong indignation at injustice , her passion for the causes she was committed to was tempered by a sense of mischief and an ability to take herself not too seriously .
12 Women , on the other hand , were more confined by a sense of responsibility to kin ,
13 Your use of information sources needs to be guided by a sense of purpose in your search , as well as by the interest and pleasure of browsing .
14 Looking at Pat quietly sleeping away his life , she was shocked , assailed , by a sense of solitude .
15 She was assailed by apprehension ; by a sense of foreboding , of doom , of indescribable evil …
16 During the eight short months that he lived following his resignation , he was plagued by a sense of foreboding that the future would hold a similar fate for himself .
17 Robyn 's generation , coming up to university in the early 1970s , immediately after the heroic period of student politics , were oppressed by a sense of belatedness .
18 Nevertheless the conservatives who manned the Juntas were not provincial separatists : they were inspired , not merely by a vague programme of reform on a national level , but by a sense of order that forced them to see the necessity of a central government .
19 Instead he had been overwhelmed by a sense of gratitude and a sense of responsibility .
20 When he defeated her he founded an oracle in the dolphins ' honour at Delphi ( dolphin town ) , building a shrine where he hoped humans might be guided by a sense of otherworldliness .
21 Mark sat on the edge of his bed , one palm in the warm depression left by Patricia , troubled by a sense of failure , almost of humiliation .
22 A democratic society was one in which the mass of the people played an active rather than a passive role , and in which the old traditions of deference and subordination had been replaced by a sense of equality among the people — the feeling that one man , or even one person , is as good as another , or at least has an equal right to be respected and listened to .
23 Instead , she felt frozen by a sense of desolation that she would never be on the receiving end of such a display of warmth from Guido .
24 As the evening proceeded and conversation unfolded , Jacob was haunted by a sense of strangeness which he could n't quite pinpoint .
25 If the conventional realms of activity are not accompanied by a sense of security then — we will feel less committed to them we will be more likely to ‘ take the law into our own hands ’ ; insecurity is associated with lawlessness .
26 Freud 's observation that these dreams are fuelled by a sense of shame seems uncontroversial .
27 There was n't anything I could do and , knowing that , I was conscious of my own inadequacy , weighed down by a sense of helplessness .
28 Perhaps , as he himself later suggested in his memoirs , he was assailed by a sense of living and leading in a less heroic era than that of the 1940s .
29 [ I was ] so oppressed by a sense of sin that I felt almost as if I should die !
30 Paradoxically , Japan 's relations with Western countries have continued to be profoundly influenced by a sense of isolation .
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