Example sentences of "he believed [conj] [pron] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The last of the bedsheets , ripped into ribbons , had been torn away but he believed that they were well north of the Makaa .
2 Nonetheless he believed that they were seeing genuine effects that were inexplicable unless fusion were taking place .
3 He repeated this over and over , as if he believed that it is only " they " whoever they were , told him how to act , then everything would be all right .
4 Unfortunately , in 7 BC this neat arrangement was interfered with in order to honour Augustus by renaming the month Sextilis after him ( he believed that it was his lucky month ) and assigning to it the same number of days as the preceding month that had been renamed after his murdered great-uncle by Mark Antony .
5 ‘ I do n't believe you can go on like this and get away with it , ’ was his core phrase , prepared with care because he believed that it was in the King 's idiom .
6 His associate Auguste Laurent- and both of them were kept on the fringe of the French scientific establishment — was more hopeful : he believed that it was possible to determine formulae and structures , but not inductively as chemists had so far tried to do .
7 He believed that it was possible to apply scientific principles to each task which would replace the old rule-of-thumb method of working .
8 In the case of displayed material , for example , it would be open to a shopkeeper prosecuted for displaying a magazine entitled ‘ The British Heritage ’ to show that he believed that it was concerned with the stately homes of England rather than the racist propaganda that it actually does contain .
9 He insisted that no decisions about future spending had been taken , but he believed that it was right ‘ that there should be a widespread review and it is right that there should be a big debate . ’
10 He believed that it was possible to " foresee this war of positions between the two Spains lasting a long time " , unless there occurred " the intervention of internal political factors ( revolution in one of the two Spains ) or external political factors ( mediation or a more active form of intervention by the Powers ) " .
11 He believed that it was the official Opposition and had an undoubted right to take its place as the next in line .
12 He believed that it was a piece that people would want to go on seeing for years , and that turning it into a film would shorten its life .
13 The King , however , undeterred by this , told the Prime Minister that he believed that he was the only person who could carry the country through' .
14 He believed that he was the last hostage left .
15 But for once he believed that he was seeing as he had striven all his life to see …
16 ( d ) Meech held that the accused was under an obligation to retain and deal with a cheque if he believed that he was under such a duty , though in fact he was not .
17 In 1958 he believed that he was founding a republic that would serve France well for many years to come , but he also believed that in the immediate future his presence was essential to France 's safety and renewal .
18 Instead of teleology , however , Epicurus advocated the existence of chance and free will , partly because , like Aristotle , he argued that you can not blame or punish a man for something he can not help doing , but also because he believed that there is a kind of spontaneity in men ( and possibly in animals ) that is manifested in our apparent freedom , to originate actions .
19 He believed that there were ‘ some ’ , but he could n't name a Guards regiment with a black soldier in it .
20 According to the late Dr. K. R. Gilbert of the Science Museum the slubbing Billy could be unique and he believed that there were only five other Jennys left , all in museums .
21 He believed that there was a market for very cheap tickets .
22 He believed that there was a great fund of benevolent feeling in man which could often counteract his egoism , and that man also possessed a moral sense , to which benevolence appeared with a special and attractive quality of moral goodness .
23 His views were always stern , He believed that there was either good or evil , with no grey area in between .
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