Example sentences of "he 's [vb pp] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 er er so what he 's done , he 's kept that money back to cover his self in case the tax say like they want twenty five percent .
2 He 's kept that dark has n't he ?
3 basically he 's studied this minute area of China and , and basically , from that minute area of China , from his experiences , bearing in mind that he 's obviously trying to sell revolution , he is then generalizing about the whole of China .
4 Well I ca n't see what else he 's given this decision for now .
5 We 're still having trouble getting insurance , and er , anyway I phoned , and I wrote him again yesterday , and he 's given this number , who er , who he 's with .
6 Cos I should n't think he 's made any profit .
7 he 's made more money you can make more money
8 But he 's made this carbon thing you see , it was n't for the the apostles could n't it !
9 Yeah he 's done some graph work .
10 Some feedback now Jeff said okay he 's done this course before and he 's looking for feedback to see the level of his competence at this point , but everybody er I 'm sure you will agree by the end of tomorrow will have got feedback .
11 He 's goodhearted that way
12 He 's eaten another dish of biscuits .
13 It 's agreed that we should be looking at improving the standard in D risk areas etc etc etc etc but we should have a higher level of cover , not putting anybody into a suffering situation , quite the reverse that we would have an improved level of of cover within the County and the Chief Officer he 's said this time and time again .
14 He goes to pieces , he 's lost all confidence ai n't he , in himself
15 There 's the fact that if he gets it wrong he 's lost more money and therefore his , you might say insurable risk is a higher one .
16 do n't know the I do n't think he 's left much space
17 He 's opened another bar , he when they went bust .
18 Something else he 's put that teak door on .
19 So we 're gon na catch every traffic light on red now there was something I wanted to go into Wisbech for but I ca n't think for the life of me what it was , I must get stuck into this Christmas shopping again , really must so much to do and such little time to do it in oh he 's , he 's put that car down five hundred pounds , that price of that car was , that he got for sale on it seven , seven , nine , five ,
20 Because he 's known this labyrinth rubbish that they cling to .
21 He 's had that crack on the head remember .
22 ‘ Well , he 's had that lorry hi-jacked twice , has n't he ? ’
23 He 's had some heart trouble this year , ’ replied Marilla .
24 Now with regard to auditors in particular , er he will know because he 's had some correspondence with me er on this particular subject , it is the view of the government that the er recognised professional body , the Institute of Chartered Accounts in England and Wales , is best placed as a professional body , to supervise er this sector er an argument can be mounted and no doubt he may seek to use this debate to do just that , to say that er this should be the subject of some direct er rule from Whitehall .
25 I think the most likely thing is that he 's had some sort of accident .
26 He 's had some medication .
27 Erm , I think the Director has advised me , and he 's had more experience at these matters not to respond to that , and
28 ‘ I only hope he 's had more sense than to leave her money !
29 If he 's had more time between the engine signing off and the aircraft hitting the ground , he could probably have dumped the drop tanks and jettisoned the canopy .
30 he 's fenced all around there and then he 's had this bloke to make amendments and then rows of
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