Example sentences of "he 'd [verb] [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 Did that mean she actually did have a choice , that he 'd given up the idea of evicting her ?
2 But this was said after he 'd hung up the phone .
3 As soon as he 'd hung up the phone , he gathered up the toys and slung them , Hamleys bag and all , under the bed .
4 Earlier that very week , in fact , as he 'd filled up the Jaguar with Gulf-inflated gasoline , he 'd found himself surveying the display of the semi-pornographic magazines arranged along the highest shelf above the dailies ; and re-acquainted himself with such reasonably familiar titles as Men Only , Escort , Knave , Video XXXX , and so many others , each of them enticing the susceptible motorist with its cover of some provocatively posed woman , vast-breasted and voluptuous .
5 Well this man something wrong and he er had an appointment with a Girran man who was Professor of medicine in Glasgow , he 'd gone up the ladder you know and finished .
6 Whatever the actual reasons for this , in his own mind he 'd singled out the fact that she must have got married .
7 Each time he 'd banged out the flames .
8 The groom said one of her horses died of colic or some such recently , from eating the wrong things , and the trainer did n't want any more accidents , so he 'd made up the feeds himself . ’
9 ‘ And get rid of that ! ’ she clearly recalled hearing Naylor tell her — in fact , the way he 'd bellowed out the order , it would n't surprise her if the whole avenue had n't heard it .
10 After he 'd taken out the bread , I took him back for lunch and he rested as usual in the afternoon , lying on his bed and listening to the radio .
11 It was certainly better than the sandwich and a can of beer that she 'd expected ; if this had been the late and unlamented Eddie she 'd probably have been faced with a walk to the nearest carry-out to find that he 'd finished off the beer in her absence .
12 He 'd picked up the baby and held her while Ma gave her the medicine , and his face had the same look as when Billy had fallen in the river .
13 This year it was ever-reliable Tony Humphries who shifted the club world on its axis and demolished the Sound Factory Bar by creating an hour-long mega-mix out of a tune he 'd picked up the previous week during one of his periodical spinning visits to Switzerland .
14 Then he had deposited the champagne bottle on a small occasional table , next to a sleek ivory-coloured object that Folly had just about recognised as a phone , and she had watched in horrified fascination as he 'd picked up the receiver and started to tap out a number .
15 The reference call to the hotel , The Randolph — that 's what he 'd remembered clearest of all , really : he 'd looked up the telephone number and then been put through , on the extension given to him by his client , to the Deputy Manageress , who had promptly and effusively vouched for the bona fides of Rent-a-Car 's prospective customer .
16 And having committed the boy to a day on the rubbish , he could hardly turn me down when I suggested we settle for a couple of hours ' conversation over a few beers , after he 'd sorted out the mess .
17 Back at the village post office he 'd sorted out the usual junk mail which never made it past the door of the shop and found that he was left with one real , honest-to-God letter .
18 It was the way he 'd got out the time Barry had locked him in the tractor-shed .
19 The day after he 'd nailed up the door of the lavatory in the yard she used the indoor one straight after him .
20 He 'd pulled up the first spring weeds from the flower-beds , little shoots of dandelion and dock and Scotch grass .
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