Example sentences of "he 'd [verb] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 If he 'd hoped to placate her by the teasing compliment then he achieved the opposite .
2 He 'd arranged to meet her at in the West End , he told me , but had been at a loss for a suitable landmark as a meeting place .
3 He 'd decided to treat himself .
4 But he 'd risked losing everything else too .
5 And had n't Aunt Bertha said he 'd gone to join his uncle in this outback place because he was completely finished with women ?
6 Well , I did n't know he 'd gone did I ? mother fucking right and my fucking
7 She also told the court that he 'd heard he 'd threatened to blow his head off .
8 He 'd threatened to withdraw his money from the Bank of England in 1832 like all the other manufacturers of his acquaintance , and to withhold his taxes , in a bid to force the government 's hand so that the new industrial cities could elect their own MPs .
9 He 'd wanted to escort her home but she had threatened to commit arson if he came within a quarter of a mile of the theatre .
10 How , more than anything , he 'd wanted to tell his family all about her , but how , because Rosemary had shrunk away from him in horror at the very idea , he had given her his solemn promise that , outside this building , her name would never leave his lips .
11 Leith was n't embarrassed , just saddened that his love for her friend had brought him to this , as he revealed how , for fear of losing what little chance he had with Rosemary , he had kept quiet about his love when he 'd wanted to shout it from the rooftops .
12 He 'd wanted to send her off to some relative in the country , but she did n't seem to have any family .
13 He said he knew it sounded crazy , but ever since he 'd read it he 'd wanted to experience it , but had never met a woman who made him feel that way . ’
14 Mrs Goreng walked right into the German 's trap — he 'd wanted to pay her back — when he 'd asked her as they walked down to the edge of the beach for a post-picnic swim , ‘ And are the people religious ? ’
15 Then he 'd begun pressing her to marry him .
16 He 'd begun to tell her an anecdote about the time he 'd been trying out some play in Brighton when he 'd very nearly missed the curtain because he 'd accidentally locked himself in his hotel-room , and how if it had n't been for his wife — ; realising his blunder he broke off and wanted to know if she minded his being married .
17 At least he 'd stopped calling her an English pig .
18 A wooden scooter he 'd made tipped me over the handlebars on its maiden voyage and he picked it up and smashed it to smithereens against a lamp-post , as if it were a cobra that had just delivered a fatal bite .
19 Having already made substantial structural changes to his garage to make room for the aeroplane 's assembly , and storage when complete , he spent the first days after its arrival using some of the surplus lumber from its packing crate to build a workbench , only to discover on completion that it all had to come apart again to extract the stepladder he 'd used to support it during assembly .
20 It seemed such a childish thing he 'd allowed to upset him ; a silly woman telling fortunes … but silly or not , she had brushed the truth , and hit him where it hurt .
21 From America , how earnestly he 'd longed to reach her on the telephone !
22 He was an old hand at knowing how to steal his audiences ; he 'd managed to do it with Hanna Brunner last year and she was experienced .
23 He 'd managed to persuade them to get a message through to British Intelligence : the words ‘ Prime Minister ’ and ‘ Cadogan Square ’ .
24 He 'd managed to track her down on the Friday evening , waiting for several minutes as she was summoned to the communal phone in the hall where she was now a deputy warden .
25 In which case there would be no capital for him to start up again other than Tommy 's back pay and a few pounds he 'd managed to save himself .
26 When I did emerge to eat , he remarked gloomily that he 'd managed to stick them to the bottom of the pan .
27 Then Amanda had turned up on her own at Meg 's leaving party , and he 'd managed to monopolise her in a corner of Meg 's kitchen .
28 ‘ Yes , and got what he 'd refused to tell me from his wife .
29 After he 'd finished reading he closed the last one almost reverently , and handed them back to her .
30 I was just annoyed that he 'd chosen to do it while I 'd been away .
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