Example sentences of "he moved [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He moved easily amongst the TOP 's .
2 Singer was an enthusiastic supporter of the concept of the United Synagogue ; he moved easily within the world of wealth with which the New West End was associated , enjoyed the friendship of the Rothschild family , and acquired an unrivalled reputation as a preacher of great power and eloquence .
3 He moved coolly to the drinks cabinet , picked up the crystal decanter .
4 He moved slightly in the bed , and felt the warm , naked body beside him and smiled , remembering the last few hours .
5 He moved slowly along the beach .
6 He moved slowly round the perimeter staring at the seven disciples who had so far survived the ungodly war .
7 He moved confidently from the two charming putti who supported the tablet to Major the Honourable Clement Braithwaite , fallen at Peshawar in 1840 , to that of the religious and virtuous Clarissa , relict of Bertrand Hardy of this county .
8 He moved around to the back of the house , and then ducked in to the laneway that ran behind it .
9 He moved again to the eastern window and looked out over the cottages of the headland .
10 As he moved away past the fifteen hundredweight and on down the line , his receding words of assurance were interrupted by warning shouts .
11 He moved away into the night and Hari watched until he had disappeared from sight , then she closed the door .
12 He moved away from the mirror , seated himself a little way from the top of the main staircase and wrapped the tails of the shirt around his legs .
13 As he moved away from the tree it became apparent to Marian that between him and the trunk lay a substantial sack , and that it was this he had been defending so stoutly .
14 He moved away from the spot on which he had prayed and gazed over Crummock Water .
15 He moved away from the strange man , anxious to leave quickly .
16 For a second or two the expression of the Annamese.camp " boy " hardened as he stared at his employer , then he moved away from the peephole and began to busy himself cleaning the pots and pans that had been used to prepare the meal .
17 He moved away from the youth .
18 After that , his senses remained strained and alert for several hundred paces , but there was no more hint of a shadow , and as he moved away from the busier streets he became increasingly confident that he was alone .
19 He moved away from the door , and she heard him clattering about inside the hut .
20 He moved away from the bunk and then with his hand on the curtain paused to look back at her .
21 She watched him carefully as he moved away from the door and came and sat down .
22 He moved away from the window and walked into the adjoining bathroom .
23 Chuck watched Jacques Devraux enviously for a moment as he moved briskly about the camp , giving orders to the Moi .
24 He moved up to the bar but the darts club chairman intercepted him .
25 He moved up to the counter with the air of a man who does n't like having to go through a routine once again but is prepared to do so , all right then here 's my card if you insist !
26 He moved up through the system rapidly enough to make his mark without looking flashy .
27 Admitted to the livery in 1822 , he moved up through the ranks to become master in 1828–30 , thereafter sitting in the court of assistants .
28 He moved on to the ‘ enduring significance and value of the Anglo-American relationship ’ .
29 He moved on to the dome , which you must imagine like the magic covers you have seen in your drawing-room under which dwell all sorts of brilliant little birds , as natural as life on their branches , or flights of mysterious moths and butterflies .
30 From Ireland he moved on to the Outer Hebrides , which he reached on 30 August , and then to his most northerly landfall , Foula off the Shetlands , on 3 September .
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