Example sentences of "he used [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Paul received information from other hackers which he used to invade the confidential files of international institutions .
2 ‘ You can always tell the ones he did , he used to put a little devil in the corner , do you remember that ? ’
3 Similarly , he used to take a healthy interest in his wife 's bowel movements , as is meet .
4 He used to do the same everyone else !
5 Oh er of course they erm , they did n't believe in married women working and er they thought a married woman should be at home you see , well I had n't got any family then you see , until er after oh we 'd been married a number of years when we had , when I had my first baby and er and then I had the other one pretty quickly and er then I was glad to go out to work again when they were school age , they were n't left unattended at all er one , the elder one looked after the one , we did n't live , we lived in then but erm there was n't any pressure for me to stay at home , it was with my husband 's consent , because he knew it was helping out because rent man 's wages were n't very good then , and erm he er he finished , he finished at the pits you see and he got a job rent collecting , and he er he used to do miles he 'd cycle part of the way and then er he 'd perhaps leave his cycle somewhere and call back for it , but he used to do all the and all round there , there 's a place called and then er a lot of places er he used to do the old , is this , is this on , erm he used to do round , round the top there there were some slums there .
6 And when the Orcadian came to Stronsay , the paper , the a man used to read he used to get the Orcadian and read the news on the pier .
7 Well there 's another lad he 's been ill in health he 's worked more now than he ever has cos he used to work a few days and lose a few days and he was n't .
8 The distinction between overseas and defence policy in 1951–5 was for Churchill almost as clear as that between the Defence Committee , which , with the Chiefs of Staff , he used to prosecute the Second World War , and the Lord President 's Committee under Anderson and Attlee , which he allowed to get on with handling the Home Front .
9 Well there was er the one who had the most important influence in my school life was Albert Edward , do you remember the printers , he was a teacher and he used to teach standard four , that was your last standard in the junior , and he had a big influence on , on me because er he wanted me to go into the printing trade as an apprentice , but I , me leaving school at thirteen and going into full-time work straight away I could n't do , do that but oh there was er , , he was an officer during the war he was in the and there was oh our , our school teacher , we used to call , we used to call him his name was actually Arthur I think , but he was always , he was a little bit addicted to the lit little whisky bottle , he used to keep a little bottle in his desk and he 'd be having a nip of whisky , but he was what was approximated as a sports master now , he used to look after the football team , we used to call him , I suppose his name was Arthur but his name was .
10 " Aye , but he used to keep a few beasts years ago .
11 I could tell he was pleased with himself but a bit scared , just like when he used to keep the half-crown Father gave him on Sundays , rather than put it on the collection plate .
12 And er then there was a , a fella named he used to keep the sweet shop and it was a , a sort of a high-class sweets like , you know .
13 One of today 's most distinguished ( though not yet knighted ) evolutionary theorists so seldom cleans his glasses that his vision is probably a misty blur anyway , but he seems to get along pretty well and , by his own account , he used to play a mean game of monocular squash .
14 Dad had often spoken about the Railway Hotel just across the road from what remained of the station , and how he used to play the battered old piano and have a sing-song with his pals .
15 He used to make the black and whites and the black coats with a silk stripe ; and I quite thought they were costermongers until I went to help a friend of mine — she kept a public house — and I met quite a lot of them there .
16 And he used to have a small piece of stick with a on the end of it , cut from er a tree or a bush .
17 And he used to have a small stand on it do you see , to hold the barrel , and then he could manoeuvre around just like a machine gun .
18 Because he had he used to have a big open fire there and all the kids would be sitting round it keeping warm while he was mending the shoes .
19 You know , he used to have a photographic shop at Cubitt Town . ’
20 Yeah he used to have a whole loaf on a Saturday .
21 Cassock and surplice , a black cassock and white surplice once I told you that my grandmother was once living with us , she used to delight in washing my surplice and ironing it up except me when I was singing in the choir , I did n't take a , the treble solos , that was after the choir used to sister of ours at least oh twenty men , and as many lads and youths the as I say Johnny was in the choir there was er the two brothers and there was Dick was a incense boy and his father was a manager to go in the , he used to have a red cassock and surplice , but he used to Dick 's dad was the incense swinger and they used to go about swinging incense and that , I do n't suppose they do that at all now , but er your first job as a choirboy was to pump the organ it , have you ever been in the church ?
22 ‘ You 've got no style , Betjeman , ’ he used to taunt the younger man .
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