Example sentences of "he said he have had " in BNC.

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1 At the same time he said he had had to select his shots wisely to get the better of Chesnokov .
2 He said he 'd had a hard life .
3 And er someone else who was on the large side , also stood up and they all giggled at him , and he said he 'd had enough of this fattist language .
4 He said he 'd had other complaints about them and barred them from the dances .
5 And he said he 'd had a whiskies and he was down by the station and he said he jumped on the train and he landed up in De Detroit , and then the South African War broke out
6 down into his arteries and we ca n't get anything down there so they 're blocked , but he said how the hell he survived that op I do n't know he said they could 've done more with his legs but it meant another hour and a quarter minutes in surgery , and he said he 'd had enough we could n't have kept him on the table a minute longer so he said all we can do is wait , so now mum said well he 's alright in intensive care , he 's responding well , getting over the operation well , but what we was worried about was him breathing on his own , had he , had he been you see , anyway he said this on er Thursday
7 He said he 's had a day off !
8 I 've ever done , he said and I 'll be totally honest with you he said if I 'd have known how big it was I would n't have done the operation he said I really did n't know what I 've let myself in for , he said he 's had problems with
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