Example sentences of "he had [adv] been able " in BNC.

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1 He had even been able to purloin half an hour of Basil 's time .
2 He had even been able to specify a little more precisely the area where he thought they were concealed .
3 He had finally been able to confirm what she had believed and prayed for these past six weeks .
4 The only lodgings James had been able to afford were so squalid he had scarcely been able to concentrate on his studies for the cold each winter , and the thought of a house and a wife to warm his bed had been added incentive to pursue marriage plans with Maud Rollerson .
5 In the three days since his interview with the Bishop he had scarcely been able to speak for the bitterness of his blighted hopes .
6 Harvey wondered whether he had ever been able to , even in the beginning .
7 The effect of such correction can , in some instances , be dramatic , as in the case of a child who , after receiving his first pair of spectacles , spent several evenings looking at the stars as it was the first time he had ever been able to see them .
8 He found it impossible to believe that he had ever been able to write a book or give a lecture , or advise a government .
9 I put my arm across his shoulders , and as he leaned against me for a moment and sobbed I wondered if he had ever been able to cry like this — like a little boy with somebody to comfort him .
10 From Pepita 's symptoms he had rapidly been able to diagnose what kind of spider had bitten her and administer the antidote to its poison .
11 They really had no choice in the matter for he had always been able to threaten any dissenters , or strays , with the loss of their union cards .
12 He had always been able to anticipate the actions of others , especially his rivals .
13 He had always been able to defuse a potentially explosive situation .
14 He had never been able to deal with the outside .
15 All his dealings had been with himself and that larger self of family which had been thrown together by marriage or accident : he had never been able to go out from his shell of self .
16 He had never been able to lose himself in a crowd , or dash off somewhere suddenly on a whim .
17 He had never been able to bring himself to talk about it before , ’ he said .
18 His nanny had scolded him over and over , but he had never been able to stop .
19 His war record and the fact that he had never been able to catch him redhanded whilst poaching appealed to his old world code of honour .
20 He had taken the name of Varna from the name of the port from which he had sailed but he had lived his life in terror of deportation , a fear that had haunted him long after it had ceased to be a real threat , so that he had never been able to enjoy his son 's success , seeing it only as something which drew unwelcome attention to the Varna family .
21 For him the girl in the picture ‘ was made to seem perfectly in context as he had never been able to see people before ’ .
22 Adam might have escaped the file memories for years , suppressed them and jerked violently away from them , but he had never been able to pretend he was unscathed by those events .
23 Fred was a kind , considerate man , uncomplicated and loving in his way , but she regretted that he had never been able really to arouse her fully and take her to the height of passion .
24 " Tricky Dick " Nixon was an astute party politician , but he had never been able to project an appealing public " image " .
25 He had never been able to hit the animal but he knew how to throw a punch , and the Punk was n't such a good mover as Cobber .
26 The people in his past had been real once but , although that was a very long time ago , he had never been able to forget them or what they had done to his life .
27 He had never been able to grasp it himself , never been able to assemble the jigsaw pieces of his identity into a clear recognisable picture .
28 It was the nature of dogs to eat cats and he had never been able to see the sense of trying to stop them .
29 Perpetually subdued by the rigours of behaviour , and almost unable to express himself outside the vernaculars of Hunting , Racing , Shooting , Fishing and Cricket , he had never been able to make his case against Nico : " Awful , awful " was the best he could do .
30 Moodie had succeeded over Ulster 's short circuits at Kirkistown and Bishopscourt but , despite four years of tryi West , he had never been able to crack what is arguably Ulster 's toughest race .
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