Example sentences of "he was reported to have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Foreign Secretary Roberto Romulo held talks with his Malaysian counterpart , Abdullah Ahmad Badawi , in Kuala Lumpur on Sept. 14 , during which he was reported to have stated that the Ramos government would abandon its territorial claim on the Malaysian state of Sabah .
2 He was reported to have presented five demands ; if Libya acceded to these demands the imposition of sanctions would be forestalled .
3 You may remember that Samson was a man of enormous strength and then , following a liaison with Delila and her cutting off his hair , he was reported to have become as weak as a child — and yet there was an occasion , which led to his death , when he brought the whole temple down by pulling the pillars against which he was propped .
4 He was reported to have said , ‘ I did not really know what an archdeacon does . ’
5 He was reported to have said that Pakistan had in 1991 frozen production of highly enriched uranium , meeting one of the US demands , but would only destroy its weapons cores if India did the same .
6 He was reported to have said that the killing was ordered from prison by a Jihad leader Sawfat Abdel Ghani , who had been convicted of involvement in the killing of al-Mahgoub .
7 On Nov. 27 Kanemaru gave sworn testimony at the Odawara Municipal Hospital in Kanagawa Prefecture , during which he was reported to have acknowledged that his links with Ishii had been instrumental in halting the Nihon Kominto 's campaign against Takeshita .
8 He was reported to have acted on individual initiative , in expression of his radical Islamic sympathies .
9 His annual conference reception , at the plush Grand Hotel in Brighton , was marred by what he was reported to have described as a ‘ media circus ’ of camera crews and reporters as former employees protested at their treatment .
10 At North Berwick he was reported to have assembled a band of 200 witches to raise a magic storm which would drown the king and his new queen on their voyage to Scotland .
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