Example sentences of "he himself have [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He himself had gone to University College , Oxford , so he thought I should apply there , because I would have a greater chance of getting in .
2 The plan which Henry still had in mind was for his eldest son to take all of those lands which he himself had inherited from his father and mother , i.e. Anjou , Maine , Normandy and England , while Richard should have the land which he had acquired by virtue of his marriage to Eleanor .
3 It may even have been the case — a suggestion emanating , admittedly , from a piece of post-war testimony — that the Reich Propaganda Ministry deliberately started off a rumour that the Führer , on discovering what was taking place ( in an ‘ action ’ which , in reality , he himself had authorized in writing ) , had given the order to halt it immediately .
4 However , he did not allow her to become too swamped with nervous , trembling uncertainty , as he began to talk calmly and reasonably about his brother 's future life in America , describing some of the amusing mistakes he himself had made in assuming that the English and the Americans spoke the same language — when , in fact , so many words had different meanings .
5 An inn , mine host , stories in the winter evenings , fishing in the summer , introducing some of the scientific ideas of farming which he himself had heard of but was sure had not penetrated the ancient little world of this valley …
6 Besides , there was no acknowledged pope in England in 1093 , and Anselm showed surprisingly little insistence in urging the king to recognize the pope whom he himself had recognized in Normandy .
7 He himself had aspired with eminent success : the conception was a self-educator 's dream .
8 Gradually he began to believe that he himself had turned into a parrot .
9 For in 1920 , when Binyon began work towards his version of the Inferno , he exchanged letters with Hewlett , who had translated the first canto years before , and now urged Binyon to shorten his measure to tetrameters , pointing out that this was what he himself had done in his ‘ Song of the Plough ’ , a long poem in terza rima in which he had invested a great deal .
10 His solution to the problem of scholarship is to call for a closer alliance between literary criticism and the historical study of language , to be achieved through the kind of emphasis on literary language which he himself had favoured since the 1930s .
11 Within 24 hours Jagmohan had been sworn in as the new state Governor , a post he himself had vacated in favour of Rao in July 1989 .
12 Reagan , largely as the result of a disastrous speech ‘ explaining ’ the Iran operation on November 13th and an even more discombobulated press conference on the 19th , became the Man Who Was Not All There ; the very man , in fact , whom he himself had played in his Hollywood B-movie days , Knute Rockne : All American .
13 Dr Kemp himself ! — the man who had one day been deprived of a jewel which he himself had traced to an American collector , a jewel for which he had been negotiating , a jewel that had been found in the waters below the bridge at Wolvercote in 1873 , a jewel which once united with its mate would doubtless be the subject of some considerable historical interest , and bring some short-term celebrity , possibly some long-term preferment , to himself — to Kemp .
14 The initial Lutheran challenge to papal authority in 1517 had ushered in an age in which Europe would be divided into hostile confessional camps , but , despite the fact that he himself had dispensed with papal authority within his own realm , Henry VIII had been extremely reluctant to accept this reality .
15 I asked him instead if he himself had talked to any of the owners ' party .
16 But after all the trouble that he himself had taken to be friendly , he felt so cross at the way in which Fiver had antagonized their new friends that as he passed Bigwig , he said , " Come and help me to get some sense into him .
17 In this letter , he briefly recorded Rufus 's harassments of the lands and knights of Canterbury , his overturning of all good customs , and the absolute impossibility which he himself had found of doing anything useful for the Church , concluding with this plea :
18 Otherwise , if place could have been found for these minor poets and playwrights , not to mention jumped-up journalists who also figured all too prominently , surely a few sentences could have been spared for the man he himself had described as the one working-class writer who remained working-class — the man whom the Sentinel had called ‘ the poet of work ’ .
19 He nevertheless insists that the " range of plausible " and " scale of valid " interpretations is constrained by the theory to which he adheres , although argument is admissible and he himself has progressed in understanding within the constraints imposed by the theory ( rejecting the PATH schema in favour of the BALANCE one ) .
20 A leading pluralist exponent , Nelson Polsby , ‘ is guilty … of the same fault he himself has found with elitist methodology …
21 Fourth , if the standard terms upon which the contract was made were put forward by the party seeking protection , then he has no protection under s 3 against an exclusion clause which he himself has put in his conditions , if the other party chooses to rely on it .
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