Example sentences of "he could not find [pron] " in BNC.

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1 His dad was with him at the race , but he could n't find him and gave the grenade to a marshal .
2 He could n't find me .
3 He could n't find me .
4 He turned down the first street he came to , turned left , right , left again , he walked down a hill , along an alley , through a deserted square , but still he could n't find one anywhere .
5 The next time Jed drove through Westwood he looked for Failure , but he could n't find it .
6 He would have liked to hear the figure of his salary ; but just as he was nervously about to sound that note the little boy came back — the little boy Mrs Moreen had sent out of the room to fetch her fan ( 3 ) He came back without the fan , only with the casual observation that he could n't find it .
7 There is a little direct speech ( " And all overclouded by this , you know … " ) and indirect speech ( " the casual observation that he could n't find it " ) , but otherwise there are no clear signals to countermand the assumption that we are reading an impersonal narrator 's version of events .
8 The qualification " as it were " in ( 1 ) suggests Pemberton 's own inner voice ; " that he could n't find it " in ( 4 ) suggests the boy 's peremptory style of speech ; something really superior in the way of a resident tutor " ( 11 ) suggests the Moreens ' way of expressing their requirements in the style of genteel private advertisements .
9 He could n't find it .
10 It 's that that little he could n't find it .
11 He could n't find it .
12 Mhm , he could n't find it .
13 If he could n't find you , he wanted to know where you had been .
14 Unfortunately he could n't find anything large enough in his wife 's wardrobe .
15 Anyway , he could n't find anything .
16 When he came out of the prison-camp at the end of the war , he believed Rosie would be waiting for him and when he could not find her , I think it broke his heart . ’
17 She finished by saying , ‘ And his only sorrow , for some months , has been that he could not find you , his former friend . ’
18 He was already in so far he could not find his depth , and he wanted to turn and strike back for the shore , but , like an unpractised swimmer , found that the distance he had come was too great for him to return .
19 He offered to show me her photograph , but he could not find it .
20 Much as he wanted to , and much as he had been moved by her tears , he could not find it in him to forgive her .
21 Yet when Lukowiak looked for such a correlation he could not find it ; it seemed as if control of the strength of the reflex was not vested in any single cell of the abdominal ganglion , but was instead a property of the interactions between the ensemble of cells as a system .
22 When the told the Shah he could not find anyone to serve under him , the Shah was astonished and asked " Why " ?
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