Example sentences of "he [vb past] [pron] [modal v] take " in BNC.

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1 Borough councillors on the transport committee will consider the proposal on Monday but Mr Docherty said whatever their decision he expected they would take a back seat to Stockton Borough Council which coordinated last year 's meetings .
2 And , as Tweed had predicted to Paula in a similar context , he expected it would take him months to unravel the affairs of the world-wide octopus , INCUBUS .
3 He estimated it would take three days a week for nine months or so , but it turned out to be very much a full time job .
4 He reckoned it would take him where he wanted to go — at least for a few weeks .
5 When he told Perkins his landlord of his case , and that it would be a pity to leave Solomon unfinished , Perkins blanched when he heard it would take another two years , gave him his fat hand and told him if the painting did not sell after two years , and Haydon still could not pay , ‘ … why , sir , we 'll consider what is to be done , so do n't fret , but work . ’
6 ‘ It 's a fine afternoon — and early-closing day , so he decided he should take his camera along to the Tower of London .
7 He decided it would take less time to break the copyguards than to go back for the correct disc .
8 However , he thought it would take another ten years of satellite measurements before the predicted temperature increases and climate changes could be confirmed .
9 Faithful to him , even if they would have to be apart sometimes , as he 'd be faithful to her , although he knew she 'd take more than a little convincing about that .
10 When Grainne slipped silently into his room , desire blazed up so uncontrollably that the banked-down emotions of a lifetime were swept aside , and he knew he would take her fiercely and violently .
11 Peter just could n't resist young blondes , and being the boss he knew he could take his pick — until he met Vanessa …
12 The young soldier felt reassured when he knew he could take his American Coonan 357 Magnum pistol .
13 I could take it and Barry knew that I knew that he knew I could take it .
14 He wanted her to relax into happiness — physically , mentally , spiritually — but he knew it would take time .
15 He knew it would take great care and he knew also — inadmissible , subversive thought — that what he really wanted was to live with her here , securely , for the rest of his life : that was the earthly promise of the revelation at Hause Point .
16 She found she hardly cared and when Mr Browning , with some evidence of concern for her , said that he feared they must take Ferdinando to Rome almost as soon as they all returned to Florence in October , she simply nodded .
17 No doubt , he felt he could take that in his stride .
18 mine wrapped up he said I 'll take you over but you 've got to have all your presents wrapped up , I said yeah alright .
19 He said I ca n't I 'm here on my own , he said get a cab and I 'll give you the money back , so anyway I rung Pauline 's husband up Steve and he said I 'll take you , I said to Steve I 've got ta get there for one o'clock cos I said I really do feel that if I do n't see him before he goes I ai n't gon na bloody see him , he was ever so good , he were here at twenty to one , got straight in the car put his foot down , went to the General and just as I got in the door Steve do n't worry about me parking , go , I 'll find you , just get in there , I ran through the bloody doors , ran up the stairs cos I knew
20 He said erm he said you can take it out ca n't you ?
21 Yeah , oh , well April is Easter , April nineteen , twenty , twenty one , twenty two , and it looks like your father he said he might take some time in n it ?
22 I wanted to give him supper but he said he would take sandwiches up to his room and get on with his work .
23 Mr Chambers said Mr Smith claimed he did not have £407 and , when he said he would take his Astra instead , Mr Smith said it had been sold .
24 I could n't believe it when he said he 'd take the room .
25 Well he said he 'd take the radio .
26 He said it would take some time to redress the imbalance in spending on black and white children when five times as much is still spent on each white child as on each black child .
27 He said it would take a week .
28 He said it would take me out of myself a bit .
29 So anyway we had us dinner so he says he said it 'll take thee half an hour to get ready wo n't it ?
30 We done everything what you 're supposed to do , Roger and he said it could take days and days for you to get it right !
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