Example sentences of "he [verb] ever [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The right hon. and learned Gentleman could have made the shortest speech that he has ever made in the House .
2 At the moment Ian is playing as well as he has ever played in my time at Carrow Road . ’
3 Howard laughs more in his first few weeks on Harry 's group than he has ever laughed in his life before .
4 As he knows , he got the biggest majority he has ever had in his constituency against me .
5 So we are very honoured that Mr Austin has bred a rose just for us — a perfect beauty , the closest he has ever come to the old Alba rose , beloved of Redouté , and going back 2,000 years beyond him .
6 Tony Garnett produces for Temple in California , and it has to be as far as he has ever got from the Ken Loach films with which he was associated before going to America .
7 Sergeant Newton Barrios had investigated more than seven hundred traffic fatalities in the city of New Orleans , but this was the worst he 'd ever seen on the St Claude Avenue Bridge .
8 I would n't have been the first guy he 'd ever seen at that hour .
9 He felt hurt and angry and older than he 'd ever felt in his life before .
10 Evans 's news was better than he 'd ever hoped for .
11 It was for him that now she was entertaining this arrow-straight , dark-eyed young scoundrel who would be likely to repay her by seducing her daughter , she thought , if she still had one , and who would probably forget everything he 'd ever heard about hunger in St Jude 's , or in County Kildare for that matter , should he ever find himself well-fed in Westminster .
12 He asked the old man if he 'd ever worked in the sandpaper factory and added that he 'd probably be going to work there himself when he 'd finished at the Comprehensive .
13 Preston sometimes thought that Mother Bernie and William between them had ruined whatever chance he 'd ever had of a normal sex life .
14 It was here that Tony gave me my ring and told me that my funghi marinati was the best he 'd ever had in spite of him getting an earful of it .
15 ‘ What 's happened , Mr Gooseneck ? ’ asked Amiss , when he had worked his way through the first stage of what was one of the best breakfasts he 'd ever had in his life .
16 It was the first time he 'd ever slept with a woman and it felt like burglary .
17 He was embarrassed more than he had ever felt in public before .
18 It was the most important thing he had ever done in his life , he had told Margie Llewellyn , and across a nation the rich and famous , the elegant and the glittering society women who were his clients wholeheartedly echoed the sentiment .
19 We told him that he had to have a specific programme … that he had to train the hardest that he had ever done in his life .
20 But he had crossed the road — actually crossed the road — to tell her he thought it was the most interesting interview he had ever heard on the Parker Show .
21 Then he sat down and typed a letter to every agony aunt he had ever heard of .
22 And stood very still and waited — and prayed to every god he had ever heard of that the Robemaker would not utilise the dread Stroicim Inchinn and read into his mind .
23 There was a future now , brighter than he had ever hoped for .
24 Bert ran then , faster than he had ever run before and , dragging the lifeless form on to the sand , he put into practice all that Arnold Spence had taught him , swiftly , efficiently and with complete self-confidence .
25 He could n't afford to believe that he had ever run like that , with such aching legs and such a flood of strength .
26 Little Billy ran faster than he had ever run in his life before .
27 Kicking the Sheraton cabinet quietly had been as far as he had ever gone in destructiveness .
28 It was the most intimate thing he had ever said to her .
29 There was n't one word of commendation in anything he had ever said to her .
30 Durkheim belonged to that contemplative school of armchair theorists epitomized by Sir James Frazer , who is supposed to have solemnly replied ‘ God forbid ! ’ to the innocent questioner who asked if he had ever lived amongst ‘ savages ’ .
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