Example sentences of "be a source [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The refusal of the Gibraltarians to allow joint operation with Spain of Gibraltar 's airport ( within the terms of a 1987 Anglo-Spanish agreement ) continued to be a source of contention , as were Gibraltar 's role as an offshore financial centre and the alleged laxity of its customs controls .
2 Their study , therefore , can be a source of inspiration for the artist and designer .
3 It is always sound to add any such volumes to personal collections , for however well or badly done , they will always be a source of inspiration — if only on how to approach certain topics .
4 However you 're planning to improve your home , the right book can be a source of inspiration as well as a practical guide .
5 Alcohol can be a source of enjoyment but it is a drug with extremely serious side effects .
6 Even after counselling , though , what seemed the right decision at the time can be a source of regret later .
7 It should be a source of relief to all UK fertiliser manufacturers including Kemira .
8 ‘ It should be a source of relief to all UK fertiliser manufacturers , including Kemira .
9 All this gave rise to insoluble contradictions ; women were closer to nature , which was a benign being , and therefore could be a source of purity and balance ; women were animal and brutish , compared to the civilized potential of the male .
10 The most spiritual person , if not called to the group by God , can be a source of disunity .
11 1978 ) administered in the early stages of the visually handicapped child 's schooling is a useful predictor of areas of visual perception that may be a source of problems when the child is using ordinary play materials , pictures and toys .
12 And then , he wrote , there is the question of why that dread should also be a source of excitement .
13 The inexorable way in which it became directed towards , or associated with a ‘ god ’ of some sort , can be regarded as having no other significance than to be a source of evidence that without a god and religion in some form , there would be for man an intolerable vacuum in his existence .
14 It can be a comfort , although you should take care not to let it be a thoughtless source of comfort , it can be a creative outlet ( I love creating special dishes ) , it can be a source of pride , and it can be a pleasure .
15 They are playing for one of the biggest clubs in the game and that should be a source of pride , but that seemed to be painfully absent at Bradford last week .
16 The national dimension to sports reporting and the search for heroes could be a source of anxiety and even distress to the more reticent sportsman .
17 Heidegger 's Geworfenheit , the fact that we are thrown onto the dice-board , without choosing when or where or whether , that must always be a source of anxiety .
18 Whether the reduced strike-force can prevail this summer may be a source of anxiety , but there will be no lack of self-belief and guidance from Australian coach/manager/guru Darryl Foster .
19 The existence of totalitarian states elsewhere in the world should be a source of anxiety for us all , rather than an excuse for falling standards at home .
20 1 Next time a patient is admitted to your ward for " planned " or " routine " surgery , observe all the things which you think may be a source of anxiety and list them .
21 For others , this loss of control can be a source of anxiety .
22 Thirdly , peasant mobilisation may be a source of change .
23 It does no such thing ; rather it defines the circumstances and conditions in which a marriage has ceased to be a source of happiness and strength to those involved and may be brought to an end …
24 I felt myself to be a source of pollution , and grew to dread my period , especially as I never knew exactly when it was going to come .
25 It does apply however to smoky garden bonfires and smoke arising from straw and stubble burning after harvest , which can often be a source of nuisance , including odour nuisance.a The National society for clean air ( N.S.C.A. ) comment .
26 The slow pace of liberalization measures , however , particularly in the agricultural and finance sectors , continued to be a source of irritation to the USA .
27 Now granted that current account deficits bring downward pressure on a currency , should this be a source of concern for the authorites ?
28 ‘ The increase in assaults against the elderly nationally should be a source of concern to any responsible government .
29 A whole range of worms is available to fishkeepers , though some of them are more suitable than others , especially since we know that live foods can be a source of infection .
30 However , the value of gloves and other barriers to direct contact with potentially infected body fluids should not be underestimated , since unapparent inoculation through non-intact skin may be a source of infection in some settings .
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