Example sentences of "be found [prep] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This is a book about books ; but some small space must be found for that art , and its products , which preceded printing by many thousands of years and without which there would have been no books at all — that of handwriting .
2 That said , we must note that in common with so many other innovators , Durkheim 's insights can also be found to some extent in the works of others .
3 Big Screen entertainment can be found at several city centre cinemas and on the outskirts of the city , at the huge , multi-screen Showcase Complex .
4 Minton could also be found at another club in the same street , the Mandrake .
5 Advertisements may be found at either end of a book , but occur much more often at the back .
6 Many are sceptical about that finding , but Dr Dekel feels that if something similar , of equal statistical validity , could be found along another line of sight , the CDM model would become untenable .
7 Similarly , young emerging leaves and shoots that have not yet developed a tough skin are easier for fungus spores to penetrate as they are for sucking and biting insects , and this is why the first signs of mildew especially are always to be found on such tissue .
8 This selection of carbonated and still waters cam be found on most supermarket shelves .
9 Desktop publishing is one of the most seductive executive toys that can currently be found on any computer system .
10 In short , the Citroën XM benefits from having the most advanced suspension system to be found on any production car .
11 The ‘ magazine ’ was a collection of photocopies of drawings and slogans that could be found on any underpass on the estate .
12 Rugs employing this scheme are becoming increasingly rare and , although it may still be found on some workshop items , the only group to use it with any regularity are the Abadeh weavers of south central Persia , India and Pakistan make a few rugs in this design .
13 A very high standard of stitching and finishing can be found on this shirt , the seams either being overlocked or enclosed , making them fairly robust .
14 Such a thing is certainly not to be found on this earth ; yet those who pick to pieces the open texture or verbal infelicities of an international Convention rarely pause to consider how , when legislation prepared in a single legal system is generally so verbose , obscure , and generally badly drafted , one can reasonably expect more of the product of many hands drawn from widely differing legal systems with different cultures , legal structures , and methods of legal reasoning and decision-making , entailing maximum flexibility , co-operation , and compromise .
15 After some discussion , they felt that there was nothing else to be found on this site until the next ploughing and they would give it a miss until then .
16 It is just one of a hundred different types of delicious seafood dishes to be found on this coast .
17 The cliffs of South Pembrokeshire are justly renowned for their fine , solid rock and that at Stennis is among the very best to be found on this length of coast ; a real delight to climb .
18 Using customary pseudonyms , the artists to be found on this album will give any Detroitphile palpitations , especially as they are previously-unheard tracks .
19 In one sense the shock of industrialisation lay precisely in the stark contrast between the black , monotonous , crowded and scarred settlements and the coloured farms and hills immediately adjoining them , as in Sheffield , ‘ noisy , smoky , loathsome ( but ) … surrounded on all sides by some of the most enchanting countryside to be found on this planet ’ .
20 Though what enchantment there was to be found in that love , she failed to see .
21 For myself , I wish to say to men that as long as they associate me with an idea of ‘ woman ’ drawn from the past , or suppose that a model for gender relations is to be found in that past , they have failed to see me for the person who I am , or to envisage what equality might mean .
22 Where it is ‘ a positive bargain , ’ the consideration is to be found in that bargain .
23 He was most often to be found in that jazz Mecca , Dobell 's Record Shop in Tower Street , where he was happy to reminisce about earlier times and to discuss who played what on the records from his heyday .
24 All social classes are to be found in all tenure groups , although to a very unequal degree , and tenure differences still hold within social classes and categories of education ( Murphy and Sullivan 1985 ) .
25 Initially , Ranganathan used an ad hoc approach to analysis and citation order , but by the fourth edition he had started to establish the different kinds of facets to be found in each class .
26 Yet many of the poorest families , at risk of most forms of deprivation , are to be found in such housing .
27 Cover with a piece of oiled foil or greaseproof paper and a board , or the base of one of the removable-base tart or cake tins now to be found in many kitchen utensil shops , to fit exactly inside the dish .
28 While George Boon rejected the suggestion that the very small coins were votive objects and may thus be found in some quantity on temple sites , he sensibly adds that there could have been a tendency for poor quality coins ‘ to gravitate to these shrines as easily as to the offertory of a country church ’ .
29 Examples of market orientated attitudes can be found in some supermarket chains and in numbers of travel agency operations .
30 There is still good accommodation to be found in most college towns and cities and not all is of the type found in the following advertisement , which recently appeared in a London evening newspaper :
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