Example sentences of "be found [prep] [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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31 The examples which I give are only hints and pointers , and parallels can be found in many different areas of life , from the mundane to the mystical .
32 Similar customs to this , all designed to hold up social miscreants to public ridicule , can be found in many different sorts of small-scale societies .
33 The adjective beautiful , for example , denotes a quality which can be found in many different objects and therefore does not by itself indicate the nature of that about which it is said .
34 If this seems an abstruse form of cultivation it is not one that is limited to modern agriculture , but can be found in many suburban gardens where , acre for acre , the concentrations of both fertilizer and pesticide are higher than on the average arable farm .
35 Indispensable help can be found in many unspectacular but invaluable summaries of factual information .
36 All these new features are to be found in two Iberian stone heads of a different type , one of a man and one of a woman , which entered Picasso 's possession in March 1907 .
37 Further information about the Quality Development Programme can be found in two special Updates , issue numbers 23 and 26 , which were sent to centres in June 1991 and April 1992 respectively .
38 Nothing of this was to be found in mainstream pre-conciliar Roman ecclesiology ( though it is to be found in 1950s books representative of the ‘ new theology ’ by scholars like de Lubac and Congar , writers under much official suspicion at the time ) .
39 The research is concerned particularly with attempts to establish new enterprises in difficult economic environments such as those to be found in large public-sector housing estates or inner-city areas .
40 I am emphasising the existential quality of dramatic playing here because it is in direct contrast to the expectations of acting behaviour to be found in some educational institutions .
41 Whereas , as we have seen , primal societies use the initiation and totemic rituals to instil whatever rudimentary superego-formation is necessary for the conduct of their social life , modern societies have more or less totally abandoned these rituals and anything resembling them ( although vestiges of them can still be found in some educational and penal institutions ) .
42 It was traditionally associated with the Veramin and Tehran weavers of north central Persia and can still be found in some Persian village and workshop items .
43 A teaching carrel may also be found in some well-equipped reference libraries , where it can take the form of an enclosed cubicle large enough for one person , with a door and a high window .
44 Repeated notes , both in groups of twos and threes , are a characteristic feature of horn writing , and though passages requiring considerable agility are to be found in most modern scores they are usually well and safely doubled by other instruments , as they are apt to sound woolly and ill-defined in shape if left to the horns alone .
45 Indeed it is to be found in most legal systems whose constitutional arrangements and traditions provide for a separation of powers between the legislative , executive and judicial branches of government .
46 It is also to be found in most other industries , where it is employed to produce prototype models , spare parts , modifications to existing plant and countless other ‘ one-off ’ , tailor-made pieces .
47 Long-firm frauds are to be found in most western countries , and are liable to occur wherever there is extensive use of credit in business transactions .
48 But here we can not consider what is abnormal , we must confine our study of formal principles to what is to be found in most Western music .
49 As many wartime evacuees found to their alarm , rural housing remained at a lower standard than that to be found in most urban areas , with only slow progress having been made in the provision of piped water , sewerage and electricity .
50 They seem to have taken over from the large black dogs with glowing red eyes to be found in most local folklore collections .
51 As to where you can find details of everyday life , there are of course , first the history books , particularly social history and such works as the multi-volume History of Everyday Things in England by Marjorie and D.H.B. Quennell ( to be found in most public libraries of any size ) .
52 Unimation 's hydraulic robots could once be found in most American car plants .
53 Hundreds of them can be found in most large industries .
54 that most of the present range of home-school links was already to be found in local primary schools well before PNP , and that activity in this field since 1985 has involved the further development and dissemination of existing practice rather than the devising of innovative techniques .
55 The attainment of the happy state of Utopia requires vastly more personal discipline and co-operation between peoples than is to be found in this late twentieth-century .
56 Local food is an equally important subject , especially the ‘ local speciality which can only be found in this charming , family-run restaurant to which our helpful taxi driver introduced us . ’
57 A good market patisseries and restaurants can all be found in this pretty town .
58 We have established that reputation effects can be found in linear quadratic gaussian models .
59 Bream , Roach , Grey Mullet and young Flounders can all be found in estuarine British waters .
60 In his YWES chapter for 1924 ( p. 58 ) , he remarked that ‘ it will be a grievous shock to many an innocent sentimentalist , accustomed to see the one-eyed and red-bearded deities everywhere , to learn that Pórr and Oó3in can not be found in any Scandinavian place-name in England ’ .
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