Example sentences of "be able [to-vb] with [det] " in BNC.

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1 People would be able to say with some , er , degree of certainty , how long the research is going to take , but I think one of the problems at the moment is , you ca n't always say .
2 If the housing visit is carried out too early , say six months before the transfer date , landlords are unlikely to be able to say with any certainty whether property is likely to be available for rent .
3 It could be that a firm may only be able to say with any certainty that it expects the rate of return on an investment project to be within a particular range , say 10 to 15 per cent .
4 England though a Northern Climate , will be able to vye with those of a more southerly situation , even to Italy itself , which some have styled the Garden of the World . ’
5 You probably will not be able to cope with all of them without feeling deprived .
6 As a guiding principle , it seemed to me that future business information systems must not only be able to cope with all the many individual sources of business information , but also , such systems should be able to rank those sources in importance using various appropriate criteria .
7 The hind was supposed to be able to cope with all tasks on the farm ; but an ambitious worker might endeavour to become an indispensable expert .
8 In addition , textile effluents are very variable in flow and composition , so that the treatment process has to be able to cope with all the fluctuations that can occur from day to day or month to month .
9 The eventual measuring instrument must either be able to cope with such variations or have its own illumination from a stabilised power supply .
10 ‘ I think I 'm demanding and chauvinistic , but I 've finally got someone with a good enough sense of humour to be able to cope with that very well , ’ he said .
11 Sergeant Major , you 've been in the Army for about nigh on twenty years now , do you think that a soldier has to be able to cope with that sort of taunting and name calling when he 's on the streets of Belfast for example .
12 Would she be able to cope with that after Seville ?
13 And they may not be able to cope with that , which is why I am always a little bit anxious if marriages break up very quickly , because it might indicate that what they 're really doing is just going into that second phase .
14 I am confident that you will be able to cope with these issues in an effective way .
15 I think it was more , I thought if people would feel sorry for me , then I would n't be able to cope with this thing , like .
16 Will your students be able to cope with this ?
17 The danger is when they 're the ones that if they 're the ones that stop other people sorting out their own feelings and emotions erm and I think in the work that I 've done in schools and in other situations following disasters one of the biggest problems has been that those expressing denial or saying that we should be able to cope with this , children are resilient , they do n't have these problems , erm they 've often stopped people getting the help that they need ; often stopped other teachers getting the help that they need .
18 In such circumstances and , with the aid of the detachment technique ( see P.26 ) you will be able to cope with any situation which may arise .
19 Once you have made yourself familiar with the basic sewing processes , you will then be able to cope with any of the projects in this book .
20 Many of us who take 7 hours or more may be able to cope with less sleep without feeling sleepy , given training , but only those of us who were sleeping more than we really " needed " to .
21 If appropriate provision for expulsion is essential , it is as well also to consider the eventuality of partners leaving in less contentious circumstances , if only to ensure ( as considered above ) that the firm 's finances are so arranged as to be able to cope with both expected and unexpected departures .
22 He wanted more money to be spent on broadcasting and a separate Ministry to be set up to direct and coordinate all information policy : this was the only way a minister would be able to deal with all the criticisms levelled at the broadcasters .
23 However , recruitment companies should provide far more than an emergency relief service and should be able to deal with all problematical staff-finding jobs in a diplomatic and professional manner .
24 should be able to deal with that for you .
25 Your care will mean that you 'll probably know if anything untoward is happening and you 'll be able to deal with any problems early on .
26 A partial , say two thirds , undergravel filtration with full filtration with full trickle filter facilities should be able to deal with any unexpected increase in load .
27 when you offered a meeting which does not seemed to be in dispute , either you 're travelling to London or making yourselves available in Corma were you offering a ten minute conversation or were you anticipating that you would be able to deal with any questions he might have ?
28 The agency says the switch will not result in a deterioration of the service currently provided at Holyhead , and that customer services staff in the town will still be able to deal with any enquiries .
29 In this case neither Anonymous Fellowship — Anorexics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous on its own would give sufficient identification and strength to be able to deal with both issues , — food and drugs .
30 I hope to be able to deal with some of his comments because , as Chairman of the Select Committee on Trade and Industry , I share his grave concern about the future of manufacturing and trade in this country .
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