Example sentences of "be [verb] in [det] ways " in BNC.

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1 Random selection can be undertaken in several ways , but in this case the most likely methods will include the use of random number tables or computer-generated random numbers .
2 The origin of ITV can be explained in many ways : as a classic case ( perhaps the first , post-war ) of high pressure political lobbying ; as Churchill 's revenge on the BBC for its disdainful treatment of him during the 1926 General Strike and in his wilderness years in the 1930s , when he was largely kept off the air ; or as part of the Conservative move to ‘ set the people free ’ from the bureaucracy and greyness allegedly intrinsic to Labour planning and the construction of the welfare state ( sweets , be it remembered , did not finally come off ration until 1953 ) .
3 This possible depletion can be explained in several ways .
4 The viability of the new mechanism can be examined in several ways .
5 This is typical of pentatonic harmony , which can be manipulated in many ways to give either an archaic quality or a sense of modernity .
6 an agreed departmental policy on the sizes of teaching groups appropriate for the different modes of teaching used in different subject areas and the provision of sufficient staff hours for the modules to be taught in these ways ;
7 Because deep meditation can be likened in many ways to the altered state of hypnosis , and because those who have a profound interest in such forms of meditation are likely to be on a deliberate spiritual voyage of discovery , they may be able to pass more easily through those barriers of protection normally erected by the subconscious mind .
8 These problems can be resolved in several ways , however , and certainly should n't present a barrier to any user determined to get letter quality output from his word processing package .
9 The overall response of the model to a given control input at the transmitter can be varied in several ways .
10 Systems theory can be applied in many ways to behaviour at work .
11 The corpus can be subdivided in many ways ; one of which is by subject area .
12 This change can be seen in several ways .
13 Through suggesting that God should be seen in these ways , for example that those biblical verses which give feminine attributes to God should be drawn upon , one does nothing to change the conception of what are authentic roles for women .
14 This can be done in many ways .
15 This particular exercise can be done in many ways , always up to time , always with the first part of the sentence unchanged , although the second part is different :
16 For the dedicated researcher this can be done in several ways .
17 Collecting data in different forms so that results can be collated and compared can be done in several ways and can form the basis of much useful discussion .
18 This could be done in several ways — taxation policy , consumer credits , direct regulation of investment — directed to the one end of stabilising demand .
19 Small finite sets can be exhibited in several ways .
20 Although printed indexes tend to be either controlled or natural language , many large databases can now be searched in both ways .
21 Information can be presented in several ways , the most useful being graphs .
22 Details of monies to be collected can be transmitted in many ways — magnetic tape , floppy disk , telephone , or through computer bureau — depending on individual preference .
23 Hence even a specific target , say " price to cover average costs ' , can be met in many ways , because average costs may be high because the firm is relatively inefficient , or low because it is relatively efficient .
24 The data can be interpreted in several ways .
25 The states which made it up can be classified in several ways , but there is much to be said for distinguishing European states which had already existed in 1815 from those which had come into existence later .
26 The symbol is here to help you , and it can be used in many ways .
27 The alternation of something familiar and something new , of ‘ statement and change ’ , can be used in many ways , to build small paragraphs , longer sections , or lengthy movements .
28 The design can be used in several ways .
29 The search for permanence , in our view , could be accomplished in many ways including custodianship , long-term fostering , or even in some circumstances a stay in a residential home or , of course , rehabilitation with a child 's natural family .
30 One author was designated PhD — a deep rooted ambition to get one was generated ; only to be thwarted in several ways till the age of 55 .
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