Example sentences of "be [vb pp] to a single " in BNC.

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1 While the decision can not be impugned on the facts , it undoubtedly confirms the difficulties which inventor employees face where the employer 's sales can only be traced to a single main purchaser of the patented product .
2 In his Philosophie anatomique of 1818–22 , Geoffroy argued that the basic similarity that allowed all the vertebrates to be assigned to a single type of organization reflected something more than mere engineering efficiency .
3 ‘ Even our most loyal customers will be limited to a single car each . ’
4 So , in French , ( 45 ) is ambiguous as to whether there is one or more addressees , but ( 46 ) can only be addressed to a single addressee : Vous parlez francais ? ( 46 ) Vous etes le professeur ?
5 Another way in which the cat 's sound system appears much more complex than that of other species is in the degree of variation that can be applied to a single type of call .
6 The boolean functions which can be applied to a single bit position can then be extended to what are called logical operations on the whole word .
7 Most routes will now be franchised to a single operator , which will bid for a monopoly on each one .
8 In summary , the view was that exceptional items should not be transferred to a single heading of ‘ exceptional ’ , because profit before exceptional items could then become the focus of financial statement presentation and as a result operating profit would be likely to become more blurred , rather than clarified .
9 Sampling therefore needs to be related to a single condition such as baseflow or highflow ; different suites of elements may be mobilised at different pH conditions and carefully designed sampling programmes can take advantage of these differences .
10 They concluded that the mother 's diet ‘ may influence the likelihood of infantile colic in breast-fed children , but that the source of the colic can not be attributed to a single dietary component [ ie milk ] .
11 Morton , in collaboration with others , has argued , from 1966 to the present time , that in the Pauline corpus only Romans , 1 and 2 Corinthians , and Galatians form a homogeneous group which can be attributed to a single hand .
12 Only differences between classes of individuals can in principle be attributed to a single cause .
13 Thus it was a natural step that in 1875 the Probate , Divorce , and Admiralty jurisdictions should be entrusted to a single division of the High Court .
14 The Financial Services Act requires insurance advisers either to be tied to a single insurance company , or to be entirely independent .
15 Messenger is not , of course , suggesting that women 's writing in the period is so fragmented that the concept is basically useless , but that the writing of women can not be reduced to a single critical proposition .
16 He has pointed out that both our own experience and Marx 's writings suggest that changes result from a disparate collection of circumstances which can not be reduced to a single contradiction , but are jointly sufficient for a situation to become volatile .
17 ( 4.7 ) unc The sequential composition of a pair of assignments to different lists of variables may be reduced to a single assignment using this law with 3.2 and 3.3 .
18 Part of the philosophical interest in this area arose from the questions of whether ( a ) all indexical expressions can be reduced to a single primary one , and thence ( b ) whether this final pragmatic residue can be translated out into some eternal context-free artificial language .
19 Several actions can be allocated to a single state .
20 It will often happen that a number of amendments , differing in form but not in substance , will be proposed to a single clause of a Bill .
21 ( ALT patterns , perhaps with different boolean parameters , are distinct if they can not be reconciled to a single choice , as was done in example ( b ) above .
22 Certain powers of the court may be delegated to a single justice or a justices ' clerk .
23 Completed data files can be sent to a single bulk storage system or to the node containing the printer or plotter .
24 I believe the issues about the western road are different but but I can say that as far as the northern route is concerned , Scotton Parish Council would be more than happy if i the notation on the key diagram could be changed to a single star .
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