Example sentences of "with a [adj] sense [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He was tall , thin , dark haired , slightly stooped , with a dry sense of humour — a pleasant change from the humourless ciphers in the other block .
2 Bob Bennett was a typical Cockney with a dry sense of humour , who had volunteered for anything that was going just to get away from the parade-ground atmosphere of the Grenadier Guards .
3 ‘ I am , unfortunately , the one who speaks for two hours in face of Mr Agnelli , ’ says Massimo Aimetti , Iveco 's vice president , finance , with a dry sense of humour .
4 Today he is a professor of physics at Brigham Young University ( BYU ) in Provo Utah , is a world authority on the experimental investigations of muon catalysed fusion , and is a quietly spoken contemplative man with a dry sense of humour who describes his fair slightly greying hair as ‘ palladium blond ’ .
5 Usually the familiar beauty of this place had the very opposite effect on her , but today as she headed towards Loch Lomond she was filled with a terrible sense of doom .
6 ‘ I think you should know , though , ’ she added with a perverse sense of enjoyment , ‘ that I do n't want to romp in the hay with you for the rest of my holiday here .
7 This was a small unapologetic army of working-class entrepreneurs equipped with a defiant sense of moral right-eousness and an absolute certainty that those like themselves who made money from their wits were the winners , the top men .
8 Folly was suddenly filled with a shuddering sense of urgency .
9 Kakoo , as she was always known , was a unique person , one of the loveliest girls we ever saw , and all her life she remained beautiful , with a marvellous sense of humour and a true enjoyment in everything she did and everyone she knew .
10 In narrow spaces like these it is easy to see why Prague Baroque had to be more dramatic with a greater sense of movement , light and shade than its Viennese equivalent .
11 The soprano Hillevi Martinpelto manages her tricky with an enticingly light tone , fine diction and intonation , although I personally find Barbara Schlick on Capriccio even more seductive , and she imbues the text with a greater sense of what the words actually mean .
12 That these may be continuing problems is evident by a study by Bauman ( 1964 ) who found partially sighted pupils to be particularly insecure and with a greater sense of loneliness when they were integrated into open education systems .
13 If she had n't come into the family … his family , would Matthew have turned out the way he was now , or would he have grown into a fine young man with a greater sense of responsibility towards his sister ?
14 ( c.26 ) " Since the kingdom consists of different regions , officers of the first , second , and indeed any rank should so far as possible be picked from different regions , so that [ men from ] the various regions should be able to come to the palace with a greater sense of knowing their way around ( familiarius ) since they would know that men who were from the same kin-group ( genealogia ) or the same region held a place there . "
15 Acheson himself in the early months of 1950 set out to imbue the British and other members of Nato with a greater sense of urgency .
16 Quiet-spoken and deeply read , he is an instructive and entertaining conversationalist with a sardonic sense of humour .
17 Oh yes , Darcy 's Utopia will be all freedom and hard work , and all alive and energetic with a perpetual sense of achievement .
18 Veblen 's achievement was to capture the strategies of the leisure class in a series of classic phrases and categories and exemplify them clearly and in detail with a masterful sense of irony .
19 She found him attentive , intelligent , even charming , but with a distinct sense of separateness and pride that she found refreshingly unlike any of the other local men she had known .
20 Gareth 's ‘ BACK FOR GRUB ’ message was still pinned to the corkboard , and it was with a distinct sense of release that I remembered I 'd said that I would go back for his camera .
21 Increasingly , as Britain expanded its imperial rule , this pragmatic concern for the people was articulated with a distinct sense of the British ( English ) nation ( Schwarz 1986 ) .
22 Every Sunday morning when his wife woke him he soundly ( if silently ) cursed his adopted religion ; but the hell of getting up when all sensible creatures were lost in lovely sleep , was more than compensated for by the feeling of well-being after Mass , which made him beam and glow like an advertisement for salts — ‘ It 's Inner Cleanliness that counts ! ’ — ; and look forward with relish to eggs and bacon with a righteous sense of having earned them , and the lazy hours to follow .
23 THE late Earl Spencer chose his executors with a keen sense of balance .
24 Repeated attempts to fit a more appropriate sceptre as originally intended have been thwarted by generations of students with a keen sense of tradition .
25 He gave Ranulf a brief description of what had happened but his servant , with a keen sense of survival , immediately tried to link events to the men who had attempted to attack them on the road from Leith .
26 Lawyers with a keen sense of the value of good political connections for their own professional careers were often very ready to fly in the direction of the politicians who were seen to have power .
27 Some encouraging signs have emerged — Glasgow teenagers with a clear social code , and confidence in their parents ; primary school children with a keen sense of right and wrong , despite the fading of religious values .
28 And with a keen sense of injustice .
29 Nizan followed each stage with a gloomy sense of foreboding , yet convinced all the while that collective security still offered the only route to the preservation of peace .
30 It was a story that was tinged with fabrication , told by a notorious liar with a warped sense of reality .
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