Example sentences of "with the [noun] [num ord] door " in BNC.

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1 Could it have had any connection with the man next door , who owned a motorcycle with the trademark ‘ Indian ’ ?
2 Suddenly the playwright becomes trapped in a living nightmare , with the man next door , really not so ordinary , providing the action .
3 Erm but their bathrooms and their showers there 's three showers and a bath and you share that with the bloke next door !
4 One youth told of emerging from a drunken stupor to find himself in bed with the boy next door .
5 ‘ You could help with the jigsaw next door , if you like .
6 Aye , we we 've been having a lot of trouble with the people next door , and er
7 Scarlet could not now imagine how she had passed the week with the house next door empty and soulless : she tidied the kitchen in readiness for her friend 's return and sat down to read the local paper , two copies of which had just been delivered through the letterbox .
8 It also suggests that this is vital if traders are to be convinced that trading across frontiers is no more strange than doing business with the shopkeeper next door .
9 The office block still retains one direct link with the farm next door .
10 Remember that I had always intended to leave spare key with the Twills next door but never got round to it .
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