Example sentences of "that occurred [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In contrast , macerated stillbirths were underrepresented in the stillbirths that occurred at general practitioner units while deaths due to asphyxia in labour were overrepresented .
2 Because 6.7 µM A23187 activated K + channels in cell attached patches when cells were bathed in NaCl solution , we measured the changes in [ Ca 2 + ] i that occurred under identical conditions in response to increasing concentrations of A23187 .
3 He had never been quite able to forget my father , Mr Charles told me , owing to an incident that occurred during that visit .
4 AGE-SPECIFIC RATES — The frequency of demographic events ( live births , deaths , marriages , etc. ) that occurred during one year in a population defined by age ( usually one or five-year age groups ) and also often by sex relative to the size of population of the given age or age group ( and sex ) relative to the mid-year size of the same population ( expressed per 1,000 population ) .
5 For relaxations that occurred during common cavity episodes , the reference basal UOS pressure was derived from the UOS pressure values during the common cavity .
6 Presented with ( 32 ) , we therefore read it as a sequence of two events that occurred in that order : ( 32 ) Alfred went to the store and bought some whisky We now see how the semanticist armed with the notion of implicature can extricate himself from the dilemmas raised above in connection with examples ( 4 ) -(7) .
7 It is a massive con trick — Or will Labour go back to very large Government borrowing , on the scale that occurred in one year under the last Labour Government , of 9.5 per cent .
8 In Hungary , for example , during 1967–1968 , the proportion " premature " ( i.e. under 2,500 grammes birth weight ) was higher among births that occurred within two years after the previous one .
9 The WFS data confirm earlier findings for developed countries that an infant is least likely to survive one year if its birth followed or preceded one that occurred within 24 months of its own ( Maine and McNamara , 1985 ; Acsadi and Johnson-Acsadi , 1985a , 1985b ; Maine , et al , 1985 ; Rutstein , 1983 , 1984 ) .
10 In the case of relaxations that occurred before common cavity episodes , the reference basal UOS pressure was derived from the 10 seconds before the onset of the common cavity episode .
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